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Robin_Watts cgdae: https://twiki.ghostscript.com/do/view/Ghostscript/IrcSetup15:29.16 
kens Hmm, did I miss some question there ?15:30.19 
Robin_Watts kens: meet jules, our new contractor.15:31.20 
kens Oh, Hi Jules :-)15:31.29 
cgdae hi :-)15:31.31 
Robin_Watts just setting him up on irv.15:31.32 
kens So I didn't miss an IRC question, I am relieved :-D15:31.46 
Marco Hi! I'm trying to extract the four points from the bounding polygon of an image from a fz_stext_block. So far, I have found and accessed its transformation matrix, but I don't know how to apply this matrix to the image's properties (e.g., width and height) in order to calculate this bounding polygon. Hence, I need some help on this matter. Many22:23.22 
  thanks in advance.22:23.22 
Robin_Watts Marco: I believe that generally the image is imagined to be a unit square, that then gets transformed by the matrix.23:06.45 
  so feed (0,0) (1,0) (0,1) and (1,1) through the matrix, and you'll get the 4 corners.23:07.19 
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