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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/10/21)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/10/23) >>>20191022 
tsuucat hi:) dvipdf in gs9.50 doesn't work and I found https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=94116309:46.20 
kens We can't do anything to help without a bug report, one with an example file we can run through Ghostscript and a Ghostscript command line09:47.05 
chrisl Seems like the answer is in that debian bug09:48.15 
kens I'm reading it, but it doesn't look like its us09:48.30 
chrisl lib/dvipdf09:48.42 
kens Yes, that's what I mean09:48.48 
  Oh do we supply that ?09:48.55 
chrisl Yes09:49.06 
kens I wish we would stopp supplying this stuff :-(09:49.26 
chrisl Hence it being changed in our repo09:49.34 
kens Yeah I see it09:49.40 
chrisl The trailing dash was removed09:49.58 
kens Obviously I can fix it, but it would be useful if people would report bugs to us09:50.05 
  And test rel;ease candidates....09:50.31 
chrisl That debian bug was against a release candidate, and was opened almost a month ago :-(09:50.59 
kens <sigh> And nobody bothered to mention it to us :-(09:51.17 
chrisl It doesn't seem like anyone even bothered to reply on the debian tracker09:51.43 
kens Not that I can see, but I don't have an account there09:51.59 
chrisl There's even a patch on the bug - jeez09:53.47 
kens Hmm, so there is09:54.14 
  I guess I can assume the reporter has tested it, I have no way of doing so09:54.26 
  OK bug report opened, commit made, bug report closed:09:59.21 
  I don't have an account on the Debian bug tracker, if anyone else does please feel free to update it.09:59.39 
randy408[m] is there an option to build a static library of libgs?11:29.16 
chrisl randy408[m]: make libgs11:37.27 
  cd bin11:39.58 
Marco39 Robin_Watts: that solved my problem, that you very much!13:05.44 
Robin_Watts Marco39: cool.13:06.56 
Marco Hello again. I'm trying to convert a single `stext_page` into a full `fz_document` (to be able to save it separately). Is there any way to do that? Such as a function `fz_new_document_from_stext_page`. Thanks in advance.22:54.33 
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