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kens scrambles the equivalent of -sColorConversionStrategy in 9.50 is -sColorConversionStrategy. You don't need to set ProcessColorModel with pdfwrite, haven't for ages, setting the colour conversion does it.08:51.14 
  I woulnd't use -dNOCACHE as that turns fonts into outlines, if you want to do that, there's a pdfwrite switch to do it.08:52.12 
  Other than that, ,I see no problem with the command line, but you haven't explained your problem at all.08:52.35 
  If you tihkn there is a problem it might be easiest to open a bug report.08:52.45 
scramblez Hi All, our printers ask for a 'Fogra39 (ISO 12647-2:2004), do I need to define an ICC Profile in PDFX_def.ps, or change the default entry (ISO Coated sb.icc)?16:27.58 
kens scramblez: sounds to me liek your pritner's do not knwo what they are doing17:01.17 
  Ask tehm what they mean by that.17:01.31 
  Or just send them a CMYK PDF file and tell them that's what it is17:01.51 
  Unless you have a fully colour managed workflow that demand is meaningless17:02.07 
  If you wan the OutpuICCProfile to be set to that, then you need to set -sOutputICCProfile= and supply a FOGRA ICC profile in there, IIRC17:03.03 
  You always need to change the default entry in PDFX_def.ps, that file is just a template, it shows you waht to do but it is not useful without modification17:03.42 
scramblez kens: Thanks! They also ask for PDF/X-1a:2001 ...17:17.03 
  If I set -dPDFX can I leave the PDFX_def.ps template as is?17:18.01 
chrisl scramblez: You probably read through this: https://ghostscript.com/doc/9.50/VectorDevices.htm#PDFX17:20.26 
scramblez chrisl: yes, I did read it, but with no background in printing this has been a steep knowledge curve to climb. ;-)17:21.16 
chrisl scramblez: Well, the first thing is that the ICC profile(s) are intimately tied to how the content is created, you can't just retro-fit an ICC profile and get good quality17:22.35 
scramblez chrisl: I see ... I do have a default_cmyk.icc, in //Resources - couldn't I point to that?17:26.17 
chrisl scramblez: Unless your content was created to match that profile, then what's the point?17:27.04 
scramblez Well, the content was created in Inkscape, with Fogra27 (I think), but Inkscape saves the PDF with RGB.17:28.34 
  So, I understood I should run gs to convert it to CMYK.17:29.00 
chrisl Such color conversions come with a high risk of quality loss17:29.48 
scramblez When I run gs without -dPDFX it converts all images into CMYK. With -dPDFX it creates a much larger PDF with all images combined into a single CMYK image.17:30.09 
chrisl That probably means there is transparency in the file17:30.36 
  Likely, inkscape is using cairo to export the PDF17:31.37 
scramblez chrisl: Yes, I understand. There is transparency in the file. Last time we had something printed in this fashion there was a close enough match between the on-screen poster and the hard copy. I guess I could run it through our printer (and waste a tonne of ink!) :)17:32.26 
chrisl PDF consumers render the transparency to a "flat" image - the printed copy should match the screen (almost) entirely17:33.38 
  I don't know for sure, but I suspect PDF-X/3 doesn't allow transparency17:34.38 
scramblez chrisl: so that I understand, why the PDF created without -dPDFX had each image saved separately? Is it because without transparency it bitmaps the whole lot into a single flat image?17:35.12 
  Sorry, meant to write: is it because with -dPDFX it bitmaps the whole lot into a single flat image?17:35.47 
chrisl Yes. If you convert into a format with a different or more limited imaging model, the only option is to render to an image17:36.35 
  So, the same will happen if you convert a PDF with transparency Postscript 17:37.17 
  Or a PDF with transparency into a PDF 1.3 file17:37.33 
scramblez chrisl: thanks again. I think I'll send it to them without -dPDFX and see what they make of it. If they can't use it I expect they will complain about its format.17:37.49 
chrisl scramblez: Does your inkscape document intentionally use transparency, or is it being added by cairo (because it always does)?17:38.48 
  scramblez: BTW, kens (and myself) are in the UK, so the best time to catch him is UK office hours - and he knows the most about this stuff17:41.54 
scramblez chrisl: The user imported a png image in the poster which had transparency. So I guess it is not cairo doing its own thing.17:42.28 
  I'll see where we get with this tonight and no doubt I'll be pinging you tomorrow morn. THanks again for your help.17:43.01 
chrisl scramblez: Hmm, you can't embed a PNG directly in PDF, so it'll very much depend on what inkscape does with that case. I don't really know, I'm afraid17:43.55 
scramblez I find the whole image creation field stupefying and my knowledge is lacking - so I have a lot of catch up to do.17:47.10 
chrisl scramblez: It's very much a case a of "standards are great, we should have loads of them!".17:49.33 
scramblez chrisl: plus different tools for different jobs, not all compatible with each other.17:50.13 
chrisl scramblez: Well, the other option is to pay a load of money to one vendor for an end-to-end solution - expensive, and locks you into that vendor17:51.13 
scramblez I'd rather avoid this, especially as this particular job is for a local non-profit choir trying to raise money for local charities. I try to help them as best as I can.17:52.58 
  chrisl: Is there some link explaining a complete workflow using opensource applications, like gimp, inkscape, scribus & gs to prepare submissions to commercial printers? I would find something like this rather useful.18:03.41 
chrisl I'm not really aware of any, but it's not really my/our area18:04.46 
scramblez OK, no probs. THanks again for your help.18:05.15 
manf5 hi. I was wondering where the best place would be to report a security vulnerability in ghostscript (specifically, -dSAFER escape in 9.27 and also 9.50 with -dOLDSAFER)23:06.18 
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