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kens manf508:02.28 
  to report a bug please visit bugs.ghostscript.com08:02.41 
scramblez Hi All, I run -sDEVICE=pdfwrite along with -sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK and -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK on a pdf produced with Inkscape containing many svg + 1 bitmap + some filter effects. The output pdf has a 1px white line at the top and right hand edge of the A4 page. I was wondering what may be causing this.11:18.53 
kens Can't be 'one pixel' if its a PDF file11:19.30 
  Without seeing the original file its impossible to say more11:19.47 
  Also, as I think I mentioned before, if you set -sColorConversionStrategy you don't need to (and dhould not) set ProcessColorModel11:20.12 
scramblez kens: you're right of course, it just /looks like/ 1px on the screen and on the test print.11:20.32 
  Ahh! OK, I'll run it again.11:20.57 
kens Not setting it won't make a differemnce, its just that ColorConversi0nStrategy sets it for you already11:21.32 
  Or at least it does with any reasonably recent version of Ghostscript....11:22.31 
scramblez OKie dokie, I was reading "VectorDevices.htm" and it said "...If you plan to create a device-independent color PDF file then you should set the ProcessColorModel "11:23.27 
kens Yes, but I thought you were creating a CMYK file ?11:23.50 
  That's not device-independent colour11:23.56 
scramblez When you set ProcessColorModel, are you meant to define your own CMYK icc?11:24.32 
kens Not especially11:24.44 
scramblez scratches head ...11:24.58 
kens If you want to do full colour correction then you will need to do so. You will also need to define your own RGB and Gray profiles11:25.12 
scramblez I C11:25.22 
  Let me run it again and see what we get.11:25.32 
  I got the same effect.11:28.10 
kens I don't doubt it, I did say that it wouldn't make a difference11:28.25 
scramblez Quite so.11:28.33 
  The thing is the white line is not visible on the input pdf (RGB) only the output pdf (CMYK).11:29.17 
kens As I said, I really can't comment without seeing the files11:29.31 
  But... *Any* time you process a PDF file to create a new PDF file, there is the possibility of losing fidelity. You shouldn't do this unless strictly encessary11:30.09 
  The explanation at teh top of vectordevices.htm tries to explain this11:30.22 
scramblez Yes, it is clear enough, but the printers asked for a PDF with CMYK colour space.11:31.25 
kens As I said, your pritner is nuts :-)11:31.40 
  Or more accurately, they want to be able to blame you if you don't like the result11:31.53 
scramblez Pretty much ... garbage in -> garbage out.11:32.19 
chrisl I would guess the white space is a rounding error from rendering the entire page to an image11:32.48 
kens They are basically saying 'we don't really understand colour; so you need to get your PDF made so that it prints 'as expetced' on out printer with this paper'11:32.55 
  chrisl that's my guess, but its impossible to say without seeing teh file11:33.06 
scramblez Just a sec pls11:33.19 
chrisl The PDF does have transparency of some form11:34.00 
kens Hmm and the output is PDF/X-1 ? So it'll be a raster11:34.25 
  so yeah, probably a rounding error11:34.31 
scramblez I've experimented with PDFX, but I gave up and went back to v1.7 which handles transparency better.11:37.35 
kens Well, at all11:37.49 
scramblez I've uploaded the two files:http://www.lakesidefishery.com/poster-christmas-2019-final.pdf and poster-christmas-2019-A4-CMYK-final-600dpi.pdf11:42.18 
kens OK I'll need a minute11:42.39 
  got to context switch11:42.45 
scramblez Thanks!11:42.49 
kens I can't seem to get teh second one A4-CMYK11:44.10 
chrisl http://www.lakesidefishery.com/poster-christmas-2019-A4-CMYK-final-600dpi.pdf11:44.50 
kens Yeah I missed the 600dpi11:45.00 
chrisl Um, did you set the 600dpi on the command line?11:45.04 
scramblez No, on inkscape export to PDF11:45.22 
  I guess cairo 11:45.36 
  did the exporting11:45.46 
chrisl Oh, I assumed the "600dpi" one was after running through gs11:46.05 
kens It is11:46.21 
  and the right edge is not continuous alll the way down11:46.31 
  whiel the original also has a white edge at teh top11:46.39 
  Ah but it goes away if I turn off Acrobat anti-aliasing11:47.26 
scramblez Sorry, I didn't make myself clear: The file 'poster-christmas-2019-final.pdf' is the original as exported from Inkscape. The file 'poster-christmas-2019-A4-CMYK-final-600dpi.pdf' is as processed via gs.11:47.28 
  Ken: Interesting! Are you using Adobe Acrobat to view them with?11:48.06 
kens I have several techniques11:48.17 
  That's just one11:48.21 
scramblez :)11:48.24 
  Using mupdf I can't see a line in the source file, only the output.11:49.47 
  More importantly so does the local printer (cheap Brother laser)11:50.11 
kens So the reason the right edge is not tiotally white is because one of the objects on the page extends past the edge of the page (in the original file) whereas the other objects do not. Due ot rounding, the other objects fail to quite reach teh edge, while the one which extends beyond the edge carries on, resulting in the remaining green stripe at the bottom right11:50.26 
  The green backdrop appears to be a single objects which has the stars, text, etc placed onto it11:51.51 
scramblez The user disabled antialiasing for images and it made no difference. However, as created at least I'm told it was exactly the same width, starts at 0 and ends at 216 ... :-/11:53.20 
kens If I start with the original file and remove everything except the green gradient fill backdrop, it also does not reach the top or right edges11:53.44 
  Oops no wrong file.11:54.14 
scramblez Hold on, we have an admission ... the user found a loose snowflake on the left in the original, this may throw things out.11:55.01 
kens OK reduced the original to just the gradient11:55.05 
  So simply running the original PDf to a new outptu file doesn't show the problem11:57.03 
  But settign ColorConversionStrategy does, so lets try that with the simplified file11:58.14 
  Hmm, no that doesn't cause the problem11:58.44 
  Ah, typo in the command line11:59.37 
  Now I can reproduce this with just the single backdrop gradient11:59.48 
scramblez Hmm ... moved everything into the mediabox, rerun gs and there is still a white line. So is this the result of a rounding algo thing?12:01.43 
kens It looks like its due to rounding12:02.19 
  The MediBox you specify cannto be preserved precisely12:02.39 
scramblez FAir enough, thank you for looking into it. It should be cropped within the bleed anyway.12:03.07 
kens The construction of that backgroudn is insane12:03.44 
  There appear to be some 200 Form XObjects used to draw it12:04.13 
scramblez TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!!12:04.13 
  Completely mad.12:04.22 
  362 svgs or some such. O_O12:04.40 
kens That could be it12:05.00 
  But bear in mind this is *just* the green background gradient fill not any of the other content12:05.17 
scramblez It's a repurposed image from what I'm told.12:05.28 
kens Clearly its not a gradient12:05.29 
  Its nto an 'image' in PDF terms because its (mostly) not a bitmap12:05.46 
scramblez Yes, only the tree is bitmap.12:06.12 
kens We're ending up converting somethign into a bitmap12:06.41 
scramblez I used the term 'image' loosely12:06.43 
  So from your helpful expert look into this I conclude: start with a sane(r) source file and we'll arrive at a better output.12:07.41 
kens Ah, looks like we are converting the shading into an image. I would imagine this is because we are colour converting it12:07.48 
  IBecause shadings are functions, its well nigh impossible to take a n-input, 3 output function and convert it into an n-input, 4-output function12:08.41 
  We do try but if we fail we fall back to a bitmap image12:09.03 
  aha, the original shading has /Extend [true true]12:09.47 
  Which we cannot replicate with an image, so we end up clipping it to the page boundaries.12:10.07 
  Your MediaBoox is:12:11.01 
  and our output is (due to rounding):12:11.01 
  Ba, liens with starting /12:11.09 
  input is: /MediaBox [ 0 0 612.283447 858.897644 ]12:11.25 
  outptu is: /MediaBox [ 0 0 612.280029 858.900024 ]12:11.39 
  I strongly suspect that, because hte shading is defined to extend in oth dimensions, ti will reach teh edge of the media. However, you can't define an image like that, and when we render it, the rounding errors mean it ends up slightly too small12:12.32 
  You might be able to address that by putting a flat green fill under the shading, that is as the first thing on the page.12:13.02 
  But fundamentally, this is what that paragraph in vectordevices.htm is all about; if you process a PDF file liek this, the output is not the same as the input, and some loss of quality is possible12:13.42 
scramblez User found suspect snowflake which was extending to the left of the page. She's cropped it now and I'll rerun gs to see what we get.12:14.37 
kens I don't think it will make any difference, teh problem is the fact that the shading is rendered to an image, and the rounding errors associated with that and the media size12:15.12 
scramblez Yes, I understood primitives will do what they can, but there are no guarantees reprocessing will arrive at the same output.12:15.36 
kens If I don't colour convert, then the shading is not crendered to an image, and the white aresa does not appear12:15.42 
  My solution would be to bleed a green rectangular fill outside the media as the first (in z-order terms) object on the page, tehn put all the other content on top12:16.29 
scramblez You're right, squeezing the flake into the media box didn't fix it.12:16.57 
  She's extending the background. Let's see.12:17.37 
kens That wasn't wquite what I mean (though I may misunderstand)12:18.04 
  The first object on the page currently is a gradient fill, which we render to an image. That fill is already extended12:18.30 
  But you cna't extend an image that way12:18.39 
  So my solution would be to put a brand new object, a simple rectangle which bleeds out past the media boundaries the colour of the last step of the gradient (green)12:19.18 
  That should be colour converted easily, because its a simple fill12:19.34 
scramblez Understood kens, thank you. She's on the case.12:19.59 
kens I'm afraid I don't see s solution form our POV, this is just one of the possible problems when processing a PDF file12:20.25 
scramblez How much bigger should the rectangle be? As much as the white line we're trying to cover?12:21.20 
kens Ideally outside teh media box. At the very least outside teh crop box. 1/72 inch should be enough (a PostScript/PDF unit)12:21.53 
kens is off to lunch now12:22.13 
scramblez kens: the Overview sections explains it clearly enough. Re-processing PDFs with primitives can have some impacts. THANK YOU! and enjoy your lunch.12:22.46 
kens :-) Its nice to meet someone who actually read it :-)12:23.07 
scramblez kens: more than once! I had to educate myself starting from level zero! :-)12:23.39 
  BTW, your suggestion worked a treat. Thank you again for your help and for gs!12:24.01 
kens Ah that's good news, I hope you manage to get it printed OK13:05.40 
HenryStiles` chrisl: error messages from bugzilla?13:17.03 
  nvm I don't need error messages, if there are any, I see the problem.13:52.27 
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ghostscript.com #mupdf