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Robin_Watts Hi marhr.18:52.43 
  marehr, even.18:52.47 
  best to do this in public, cos then people who know more than me can join in.18:53.00 
  (although, today is a holiday in the US, so my colleagues there might not be here, and my UK colleagues have gone for the night).18:53.37 
marehr okay; I opened this bug https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=701894 and I guess irc allows for faster try and error18:53.55 
Robin_Watts yup. I recognised your name.18:54.09 
kens is typing ont hat report, give me a moment18:54.19 
Robin_Watts Does the _form0.ps file exist?18:54.33 
marehr yes18:54.36 
kens Robin_Watts: seriously, give me a second and I'll post where I am18:54.54 
Robin_Watts kens: Ok.18:55.05 
kens OK pressed 'save changes' you should get email18:56.11 
Robin_Watts Your -r param seems dodgy to me, anyway, but I suspect you're getting away with it by luck.18:56.14 
kens -g and -r are not incompatible18:56.45 
  -g sets the media size in pixels, -r sets the resolution. Taken together you can figure otu the media size in points18:57.13 
  In this case, really small18:57.28 
Robin_Watts kens: a) I know that's what "undefinedfilename" means. I'm just not 100% sure that won't be the error you get if a file is refused access.18:57.32 
kens Robin_Watts: I tried it18:57.40 
  You don't get invalidaccess18:57.46 
marehr I have a look :)18:57.54 
kens but if you remove the --18:57.55 
  Then you will18:57.59 
Robin_Watts b) If he removes -- then he shouldn't need --permit-file-read= because the code automatically adds paths for such command line arguments, I believe.18:58.21 
kens The -- is supposed to take the next filename as a filename, and then 'everything after that' is treated as switches and stored in a dictionary18:58.27 
  Robin_Watts: no becuase _form0.ps executes 'run' on _form0.eps18:58.44 
  So you do need to permit-file-read on _fomr0.eps18:58.57 
  Thats *eps* not *ps*18:59.02 
Robin_Watts oh. so he'll need --permit-file-read=_form0.eps, yes, sorry.18:59.06 
kens Yeah its a 2-step problem18:59.15 
Robin_Watts but he won't need it on _form0.ps itself.18:59.20 
kens Solve the first one and you hit the se3codn one18:59.24 
  Correct, _form0.ps runs fine, as long as you remove '--'18:59.42 
  -- does appear to be broken18:59.52 
Robin_Watts So, chris or I needs to fix --.18:59.58 
kens Frankly it looks like a bonkers option to me, but what do I know ?19:00.07 
  I see I have freely mistyped the filenames on my comment :-(19:01.03 
  I apologise for the comment, I wanted to finish it up quick, sorry about that.19:01.54 
marehr No problem, I can confirm that your suggestion seems to work19:03.20 
kens OK so I guess Robin or Chris probably needs to try and fix the -- switch19:03.51 
  But for the file permissions, you probably need someone from the application end to make changes19:04.10 
Robin_Watts hmm.19:04.28 
  ''--" appears to be treated the same as "-+" and almost the same as "-@"19:05.02 
kens Given this is all (I think) internal to the application, it could probably get away with running Ghostscript with -dNOSAFER, though I woudl not reccomend it19:05.03 
  Robin_Watts: yeah sorry I haven't had the time to read that properly, but yes I think you are right19:05.22 
  If that helps at all19:05.26 
marehr I'm in contact with the doxygen maintainer and I think any "proper" way that is downwards compatible is acceptable.19:05.53 
kens The only solution which is going to be backwards compatible is -dNOSAFER. I would urge the maitainer not to do that.19:06.48 
  Because it potentially opens you up to vulnerabilities19:07.04 
Robin_Watts Using -dNOSAFER will work on old and new gs, but a) it's unsafe, and b) we're probably going to remove it at some point.19:07.26 
kens A malicious PostScript program could potentially be executed, which could do pretty much anything that is permitted by the user level which Ghostscript is being run at.19:07.41 
marehr Why is the new command not failing silently in older releases?19:07.50 
kens Robin_Watts: I don't think we'll remove -dNOSAFER19:07.51 
  marehr: we changed Ghostscritp in 9.50, it now runs with SAFER turned on by default, previously it was off19:08.12 
Robin_Watts marehr: Cos we lack the required time machine.19:08.15 
kens Oh and yes, new switches won;t work with old Ghostscript19:08.38 
marehr so SAFER was already an option in older releases?19:08.40 
Robin_Watts --permit-file-read is a new command for 9.50 onwards.19:08.40 
  SAFER was an option, now it's the default.19:08.52 
  but the file reading control stuff wasn't present in older versions.19:09.11 
  (so --permit-file-read=... is an unknown flag when fed to old versions).19:09.32 
marehr ah okay; I just think about the least minimal pain to get this safe.19:10.57 
  The eps file is generated by us so there is technically no threat to us.19:11.58 
Robin_Watts marehr: Check what version of gs you are running. If >= 9.5 give the --permit-file-read=, I think.19:12.05 
marehr but maybe there is an even better solution19:12.16 
Robin_Watts If both the eps and ps files are created by you, then you can argue that -dNOSAFER is safe enough for you.19:12.31 
kens -dNOSAFER is risky, while its useful to check out stuff, I would not reccomend that anyone use it in production19:12.43 
  Though as Robin says, in a totally closed environment, yes its safe.19:13.38 
Robin_Watts It means that people might be able to find an exploit through your process to getting you to generate PS files in a way that could get control through gs.19:14.40 
  it means you need to take care in a way that you wouldn't otherwise.19:14.56 
marehr I'm no maintainer of doxygen so they would need to make that decision.19:15.32 
  But maybe we can look at it and think of another way to achieve the same effect.19:16.32 
  They use it in here: https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen/blob/4fbb61f020a607a96152ba5c00668b9840ea812c/src/formula.cpp#L164-L18419:16.44 
Robin_Watts -r%dx%dx should be -r%dx%d (though see kens warning earlier about using -g and -r together)19:18.49 
kens Hmm, I'd missed that19:19.28 
  You;re quite right of course19:19.33 
Robin_Watts and replace -- with -dNOSAFER.19:19.36 
kens Yes the '--' serves no useful purpose in that program, I suspect its been used by cargo cult techniques.19:21.02 
marehr Okay thank you so far.19:30.10 
kens NP feel free to drop by and discuss further or have the doxygen guy come round19:30.58 
marehr So basically 3 different problems: `-r%dx%d`, misuse of `--` and since 9.5 the command needs more control access. 19:32.11 
kens Yeah the %dx is wrong, as Robin says its sheer luck that works19:32.35 
  the -- isn't needed and is what's causing the first problem19:32.47 
  and file control is the new bugbear19:32.59 
marehr But -r and -g can be used together19:35.02 
kens Yes, taken toghether they will define a media at a given resolution. In the case of the command line there, it will be quite small.19:35.48 
  But maybe that's correct, I'm not in a position to judge :-)19:36.00 
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