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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/11/16)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/11/18) >>>20191117 
camelopard ZeroWalker: You can convert your PCL file to a raster image, modify the raster as needed and send it back to your printer.00:56.36 
ZeroWalker i guess that could work, but don't think i can use ghostscript to do that cause of licenses sadly, so i am kinda stuck with PCL00:58.25 
camelopard ZeroWalker: You can privately use GPL software any way you like. You just cannot incorporate GPL software into proprietary software and distribute it.04:07.37 
ZeroWalker can you draw in pixels, or blocks? i was able to get some stuff from my PCL code and it's basically black/white in binary, i can translate it but i don't know how to write like that in postscript, i tried making a ton of lines but i seem to mess the offset up 11:11.18 
camelopard ZeroWalker: If your blocks form a regular grid, they can be represented as a sampled image or an image mask. Otherwise rectfill operator and encoded number strings offer quite efficient way to represent such data. See PLRM for details.17:08.45 
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