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Juliandel Good afternoon gents12:06.35 
  I came to ask what this error means: "Unrecoverable error: typecheck in .putdeviceprops"12:06.46 
kens It means that there was a problem configuring the device12:07.23 
Juliandel I am using this: "C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.50\bin\gswin64c.exe" -I "C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.50\Resource\Init" -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFFitPage -dAutoRotatePages -o TEST123.PDF "C:\temp\input.PS"12:07.27 
kens and the error was so serious, it cannot be recovered from12:07.35 
Juliandel configuring which device?12:07.46 
kens YOK so you have not specified an OutptuFile12:07.50 
Juliandel -o12:08.03 
kens THe pdfwrite device, the one specified using -sDEVICE=12:08.04 
Juliandel is output?12:08.06 
kens Yeah sorry Imissed that12:08.13 
Juliandel So if it's PDFWRITE and has input/output.. what's the hangup?12:08.30 
kens Ah you have put AutoRotatePages but not supplied a value12:08.31 
  That's not (IIRC) a -d switch12:08.48 
  Oh actually eys it is12:08.54 
  but you need to supply a name value12:09.01 
  You need to supply /None, /PageByPage, or emm something else12:09.26 
Juliandel is that new? 12:09.32 
kens No12:09.35 
Juliandel I have this _EXACT_ system set up with gs9.2612:09.41 
  and I don't get this error12:09.45 
  I am testing 9.50 on a totally new system12:09.54 
kens You know, it would help if you mentioned these facts12:09.58 
Juliandel and using the exact same commands 12:09.59 
  Oh, I'm sorry! I'm not sure everything you need..12:10.09 
kens To save us guesing so much....12:10.10 
  Well if that worked before then I can't see why it wouldn't now12:10.32 
Juliandel I'm not meaning to make you go blind. I just don't have enough experience to know which is relevant or not.12:10.32 
  exactly.. 12:10.38 
kens Try removing stuff one at a time till the problem goes awat12:10.53 
  I'd start by removing the -I12:11.02 
  The the PDFFitPage12:11.19 
  Oh and what's the entire back channel transcript, nt just the error ?12:11.54 
  There might be useful stuff before that12:12.00 
Juliandel Where can I see that? I'm running it from a bat file atm.12:14.11 
kens It'll be in the terminal, sicne you are running the command line version.Same place you found the error12:14.52 
Juliandel Ok, so I redid the same command just to show you12:21.03 
kens OK so nothign useful12:21.31 
Juliandel I have custom entries in Fontmap.GS12:21.40 
kens As I said, start removing bits from teh command line, I'd start by removing the -I12:21.43 
  Lets worry about your fonts after we get GS actually to work12:22.04 
Juliandel Ok, removed the -I, and the subsequent path to the init folder. Same error. Will try removing next one and so on.12:22.42 
kens Yes please12:22.49 
  If its not thart, tehn it may be the content of the PostScript file, and I'd need to see it in that case12:23.06 
Juliandel after removing PDFWRITE12:23.22 
  it did briefly display the project did a bunch of things and closed.12:23.33 
kens Umm, I wouldn't remove the -sDEVICE12:23.35 
Juliandel I do see lots of bitching about fonts. xD12:23.52 
kens Yeah that would not be surprising12:24.04 
  leave the DEVICE alone but removve PDFFitPage12:24.16 
  and then remove -dAutoRotatePages12:24.25 
  That should leave a very simple command line12:24.42 
  If that doesn't work I think I'd need to try it myself with your PostScript file12:24.57 
chrisl It's AutoRotatePages12:28.20 
Juliandel Oh?12:28.31 
  Yeah, seems after removing that it's doing something12:28.38 
kens Well, that's what I expected12:28.40 
  So try setting -dAutoRotatePages=/None12:28.53 
  To turn it off12:28.56 
Juliandel Ok12:29.02 
kens or /PageByPage to turn it on12:29.03 
chrisl I expect we're now correctly handling an error condition we ignored before12:29.24 
kens Oh the third option is /All12:29.43 
Juliandel Yeah, I see more information now12:29.55 
  I have specified in the Fontmap.GS: " /Courier (c:/Windows/Fonts/cour.ttf) ; "12:30.40 
  And it complained like so: https://i.imgur.com/agkiooF.png12:31.14 
  Maybe I have some slashes in backward or something12:31.40 
  the file itself does exist.12:31.45 
kens forward slashes are acceptable12:31.50 
Juliandel Hmm then. 12:32.14 
  Would you like to see the full output?12:32.39 
kens Not especially12:32.46 
Juliandel I chose 'PageByPage'. 12:32.51 
kens Won't affect fonts12:32.57 
  <sigh> wrong window12:33.19 
Juliandel I wonder why it says it can't find the font files then12:33.19 
  I confirmed the location12:33.22 
kens Well obviously there's a problem12:33.30 
  if you give me a minute I'll try it here12:33.37 
Juliandel I'm... not allowed to give the project out. 12:33.51 
  However, I can tell you that, this specific project file works just fine with 9.26 GS12:34.07 
  With these same fonts and specifications12:34.16 
chrisl try adding --permit-file-read="c:/Windows/Fonts/*" to the start of the command line12:34.18 
kens Might make it pretty difficutlt to help you then12:34.19 
Juliandel I know kens, and I don't omit it from you to be rude. 12:34.35 
  trying chrisl12:34.47 
kens I'd have to guess that its the file permissions, as Chrisl suggests12:34.56 
Juliandel that very well could be. I am using an admin CMD prompt though12:35.15 
chrisl gs file permissions, not OS ones12:35.30 
kens Its GS's own file security12:35.32 
  Yeah invalidfont in findfont12:36.08 
Juliandel oh! wow12:36.23 
  So I used my command with that permit12:36.32 
  and it worked12:36.35 
kens Then that's the problem12:36.41 
  Ghostscript 9.50 is a *lot* more secure about openming files12:36.52 
  Though I *thought* we permitted anything actually in fontmap.GS12:37.04 
Juliandel That is good since we use it on a server.12:37.07 
kens In fact I remember testing it :-(12:37.13 
Juliandel Ok, this is interesting though. 12:37.21 
  It still doesn't work with just the plain autorotate, but I don't mind using /all or what have you. As long as it does it12:37.43 
chrisl That's odd, it *shoud* work. It's possible the string getting added to the list automatically isn't quite right12:37.57 
  Oh, it might be a "/" vs "\" thing12:39.37 
kens ah....12:39.44 
  Well the file permissions is all new12:39.54 
Juliandel I will play with the / vs \12:40.15 
  but will I need to start using that permit option on fonts folder now?12:40.26 
kens Seems that way, for this release at least12:40.57 
kens lunches12:41.06 
Juliandel Ah. So I started this in the summer. got everything working..12:41.10 
  Now they wanted me to document how I did it. So I wrote it all up. Then tested it using the latest GS12:41.24 
  and was surprised to bump into this issue12:41.31 
kens Well the new file security is in the release notes12:41.42 
  Its the major change and the reason this release is not 9.2812:41.51 
  It was significant enough a change that we bumped the release number up12:42.06 
Juliandel Ok12:42.48 
  I will read the release notes then12:42.54 
  Thank you both for the help12:42.58 
chrisl Hmm, yeh, it looks like the patch is lacking the trailing slash it should have :-(12:44.50 
Juliandel ?12:44.58 
  What do I change?12:45.04 
chrisl You don't, I do....12:45.12 
Juliandel Oh, for next release or something?12:45.20 
chrisl Yes12:45.42 
Juliandel Cool :)12:45.50 
  Thank you guys for your help today kens and chrisl13:20.55 
  When do you think next release is?13:21.16 
kens Apologies, was at lunch, the next release is aimed for next March13:23.23 
Juliandel No apologies needed, asked it only 3 minutes ago13:23.49 
  Ok, so a ways out still. Good to know. Thank you again for your help today13:24.00 
kens NP hope it works out for you13:24.10 
Juliandel me too13:24.14 
kens Adding the path explicitly should be safe into hte future, even if it becomes redundant13:24.25 
Juliandel the fonts path?13:25.39 
kens Yes.13:25.48 
Juliandel Ok, that does help13:25.54 
kens As chrisl said (I htink) you shouldn't have to do that,13:26.00 
  For now you will, the next release shoudl fix it, but adding it explicitly won't cause a probelm with that release13:26.20 
Juliandel That is very good to know13:26.53 
  So did something change with the pdfrotate?13:31.18 
  In 9.26, it does it exactly like we want it to. 13:31.28 
kens Not that I'm aware of, but its been 12 months13:31.38 
Juliandel I take the same exact project file with 9.50, and a couple pages are not rotated right13:31.47 
kens As chrisl says, very possibly we now flag an error that was previously ignored13:31.55 
Juliandel Again, same scripts essentially. Just diff GS versions13:31.58 
  I tried /pagebypage and also /all13:32.09 
kens Try /None, or simply omitting it13:32.24 
Juliandel Ok, let me test13:32.32 
kens I certainly haven't knowingly changed its behaviour in years13:32.46 
Juliandel If I remove it, or use any of the variables, that page will still be vertical instead of horizontal. 13:34.59 
kens Again, kind of hard to comment without seeing the file13:35.17 
Juliandel 9.26 we have only the flag "-dAutoRotatePage" with nothing else, and it does it horizontally13:35.19 
  Yeah I know. I'm just confused why the same project acts differently.13:35.31 
kens Well as I said initially -dAutoRotatePages with no arguments is an error13:35.36 
  I'd have expected that to stick with the default setting, so dropping the switch should behave the same13:36.10 
Juliandel Yeah removing it does not change the behavior13:36.25 
kens But since the action is totally dependent on the page content, I can't really say13:36.26 
Juliandel yeah13:36.31 
  Maybe we should stick to 9.26 for now 13:36.41 
kens Then you are vulnerable to known and publicly disclosed security vulnerabilities13:37.04 
Juliandel It would be nice to have the newer security enhancements, but it's more important for us to have accurate schematics13:37.11 
kens ?13:40.57 
Juliandel Assuming I got permission.. and provided a .PS file13:41.05 
  do you offer any sort of privacy promise, etc?13:41.17 
kens We keep everything private unless people post it to our bug tracker13:41.35 
  Adn will delete on request when finished13:41.46 
  Obviously if you put it on our public bug tracker we kind of assume its OK to be public :-)13:42.05 
Juliandel Ok. I will create a meeting with my supervisors and discuss the issues here, and see if I can get the OK with some project that does the problem.13:42.08 
  So we can at least mitigate.13:42.18 
kens Fair enough13:42.22 
Juliandel I want the security of 9.5013:42.26 
kens Maybe someone can come up with a non-sensitive file instead13:42.31 
Juliandel but need my rotations to work like they do already :)13:42.36 
  yeah, the trick will be finding one that is not sensitive and has the same kinds of conversion problems13:42.51 
kens Yup, not an easy task probably13:43.02 
Juliandel exactly13:43.06 
kens Note that I can't promise I'll change anything13:44.13 
  Free users don't qualify for support so its at our discretion13:44.28 
Juliandel Ah, I understand13:50.44 
  well, I will bring it up to the bosses and we will see what happens. 13:50.58 
kens OK you can always contact us here13:51.08 
Juliandel Thanks kens13:59.41 
  Take care, and good night13:59.46 
kens NP goodnight to you also13:59.53 
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