Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/12/06)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/12/08) >>>20191207 
guanche if I declare a variable that I will use to draw a somewhat messy path on a file, how do I do to update such variable from time to time, so I don't have to say x + last-length + 5?17:14.42 
kens guan23:23.25 
  (for the logs) I don't understand your question. PostScript doesn't have 'variables' in the sense of, say, C. What it has is the varioustacks and their contents, and the conetnets of compound objects such as dictionaries and arrays. The code snippet you've presented doesn't make any sense in PostScript. If you provide a clearer code example I may be able to understand your question better, and be able to help23:25.55 
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