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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2019/12/15)Fwd 1 day (to 2019/12/17) >>>20191216 
kens samo9789 Your best bet is going to be to open a bug report at https://bugs.ghostscript .com (please do not just post to an existing closed report). We' ll need the exact command line you are using, the input file, and any support files required.19:06.20 
  majki when I try to follow that URL I get 'you are not authorised to download this file.'19:07.05 
  samo9789 you appear to be trying to use a solution which is 5 years out of date, I'm not at all surprised to hear that it doesn't work with current code, since it relies on undocumented internal features of Ghostscript19:12.50 
samo9789 @kens thank you for your answer20:58.57 
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