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kens chrisl Nancy_iMac any thoughts about recording object and generation numbers ?15:01.18 
  There is a compromise solution (which I'm not ecstatic about) which would involve holding parent numbers only for strings, arrays and dictionaries15:01.55 
chrisl So, complete disclosure: I scanned your email briefly, and forgot to go back to it.....15:01.55 
kens :-)15:02.01 
Nancy_iMac I personally like to keep it simple and add the 2 new 'parent' object and generation numbers. But I understand the objection abouit the size. If you really don't want to do that, then the other solution needs to be super clear and with macros/inline functions.15:02.07 
kens I'm not wild about adding 12 bytes of storage to every object15:02.27 
Nancy_iMac still going to be way more efficient than the gs implementation?15:02.47 
kens I have no clue how the GS implementation handles this to be honest15:03.00 
Nancy_iMac I just mean generally, the size of each object there?15:03.18 
kens Oh I have no idea how big they will be, huge I imagine15:03.32 
  Lots of overhead15:03.51 
  I would probably prefer inline functions over macros. I don't think there are actually many places where we look at object numbers, let me have a quick grep15:04.36 
Nancy_iMac how about having the parent info for only strings, arrays and dicts? That seems reasonable to me. 15:04.55 
kens That's what I said up above15:05.23 
Nancy_iMac yeah I don't have a pref between macros and inline functions. Just that we are gunshy about macros in this code base, so inline functions.15:05.26 
  Yes I am saying I like what you said above. :)15:05.33 
kens Oh, I don't really like it :-)15:05.45 
  It means we have to do special stuff when creating certain kinds of objects which we don't do for other kinds15:06.10 
  Turns out there are quite a few places we look at object_num15:06.52 
  73 matches15:06.57 
Nancy_iMac yeah I figured object_num used a lot15:07.00 
kens Well mostly in pdf_int.c15:07.09 
chrisl How do you handle inheritance of things like resources?15:07.21 
kens Which is unsurprising because that's where we create an ddeal with objects on the whole15:07.28 
  chrisl we deal with that when unrolling the pages tree15:07.46 
  Any inherited resoruces are copied directly into the page resources dictionary15:08.03 
chrisl So, there's no "parent" entry in other objects15:08.10 
kens So we cna have multiple copies of the same data15:08.12 
  No, we don't have a parent entry anywhere right now15:08.24 
  For objects under the page tree, we keep a copy of the page dictionary in the context, so we can refer to that.15:09.18 
Nancy_iMac kens: if you're going to have to add special stuff to deal with this anyway, I don't see that handling strings/dicts/arrays special on creation is a big deal?15:09.23 
kens Its more the principle, I don't like handling these objects differently15:09.49 
  I'd prefer to handle all objects the same way15:10.02 
Nancy_iMac have two types of objects, "complex" and "simple". Handle "complex" objects differently?15:10.36 
kens We only have a single routine to allocate objects15:10.49 
chrisl There are already atomic and composite objects15:11.18 
kens Unless we have two different routines, which means checking the type up front and I *really* don't want to do this, then we have to pass the 'parent' numbers to the allocation routine anyway15:11.23 
  regardless of the object type15:11.42 
  Sure we can discard the numbers for simple objects15:11.52 
  But I dislike special handling really15:12.07 
Nancy_iMac I think keeping it simple and putting the parent fields in everything will win then?15:12.12 
kens But I don;'t like that either because it'll amek things like an in much bigger15:12.32 
Nancy_iMac So which soluition do you like?15:13.13 
kens Well I don't like any of them really :-(15:13.23 
chrisl How about adding it to every object, but packing the object # and generation in to int32_t ?15:13.38 
kens We can't keep the object number as a 32-bit value15:14.01 
  They can range up to 10 decimal digits15:14.10 
Nancy_iMac so object number is 10 decimal digits. How many bits is that?15:14.15 
kens 3415:14.21 
chrisl I thought that was the byte offset15:14.42 
kens In practice it shouldn't be a problem, but we know how long it'll be before someone turns up with sucha an insane file15:14.45 
Nancy_iMac pack it into a int64?15:14.52 
kens chrisl it *is* the byte offset, but......15:14.55 
  There is no defined limit on the objct number, however, the free list uses the byte offset to point to the object number of the next entry in the free list, which limits it to 10 bytes.15:15.29 
chrisl "indirect object 8,388,607 Maximum number of indirect objects in a PDF file."15:15.44 
kens Nancy_iMac: the generation number is a 32-bit number, so that's 66 in total15:15.53 
  chrisl where did you find that ? I spent ages looking for it15:16.07 
chrisl "Implementation Limits"15:16.23 
kens Oh yeah, but that just means Acrobat, not the real spec15:16.40 
chrisl Well, that is true, but realistically .....15:17.29 
kens So Acrobat uses 24 buts, interesting15:17.31 
  well 2315:17.45 
Nancy_iMac so if we change object numbers to be 32 bits, saving all that space? 15:17.49 
kens We could do that, I guess15:18.02 
  I admit keeping a separate number would be easier, but I was kind of horrified at the potential space explosion15:18.40 
Nancy_iMac if Adobe's limit is 24 bits and we use 32 bits, we are way better than them :)15:18.52 
kens Won't be the first time :-)15:19.15 
chrisl kens: Even just keeping a pointer to the parent would add 8 bytes on most modern systems15:19.30 
kens chrisl is there an implementation limit on the generation number ?15:19.36 
chrisl Not that I can see15:20.00 
kens Oh well, woudl have been nice but never mind15:20.16 
  TBH I only need the bottom 3 bytes of the object number and the bottom 2 bytes of the generation, so making the parent object 32 bits and hte parent generation 16 bits would cost us 6 bytes, we'd gain back 4 from making the object number 32 bits15:21.58 
  So it would cost 2 bytes, I guess that's OK15:23.12 
Nancy_iMac that's my vote then. Will be the most readable solution15:23.31 
kens OK I'll start on that.15:23.43 
chrisl It also makes it pretty easy to change it if we find a need for larger numbers15:23.52 
kens Well I guess yes.15:24.00 
  Nancy_iMac: when hacking the transaprency spot stuff, watch out for the SpotNames dictionary15:24.22 
  Its a temporary dictionary but it gets stored in the context15:24.37 
Nancy_iMac yeah I saw that. I have been in that code before. Not a problem :)15:25.02 
kens Need to allocate it and count it down properly. Its already initialised to NULL in context creation15:25.05 
  OK wanted to mention it because its usage in the existing function is spread about a bit (near the top to init it, in the middle where its used and at the end where its counted down)15:25.43 
Nancy_iMac kens: Arguable the argument to all those routines should be the SpotNames dict, not the number of spots? Then count them at the top? I could make that change I suppose.15:28.42 
  gets rid of that weird variable in ctx which was really always a hack.15:29.03 
kens Hmmm15:29.03 
  We use the Spotnames dict to hold the names of all the spots we've found, so that we can tell if a name is new.15:29.40 
Nancy_iMac changes a bunch of code, but I think it would be an improvement.15:29.40 
kens We still need to be able to tell if a name is new, even if its just for this page15:29.58 
Nancy_iMac yeah, I am not saying to get rid of that dict, I am saying pass that around everywhere, instead of the spots count.15:30.24 
  Pretty sure it would work out and be more clear.15:30.31 
kens You could do that, then count the number of spots in the dictionary instead I guess15:30.42 
Nancy_iMac yeah onluy the top wants to k now the number. Everywhere else it just adds to the dictionary if needed.15:31.00 
  I think it will be cleaner. I don't mind fixing it up while I'm in there.15:31.11 
kens Feel free to do that if you like15:31.16 
Nancy_iMac I suppose I am avoiding going back to annotations :)15:31.51 
kens I wonder why I didn't do that before anyway.15:31.52 
Nancy_iMac probably it was a thing that evolved15:31.59 
kens Could be yes15:32.06 
  You can have decryption instead if you don't want to do annotations :-)15:32.17 
Nancy_iMac I mean the design evolves and then need to step back at look at it from a different angle sometimes15:32.28 
  Heh you have those almost done I bet.15:32.38 
kens Oh I wouldn't say that :-(15:32.47 
Nancy_iMac I wonder if I should take another pass to look for some memory leaks.15:32.49 
  I am sure we have new memory leaks15:32.57 
kens I've done revision 2 & 3, revision 4 needs the string object numbers, and I have to get AES decryption working. Then I need to look at revision 6 which uses all new password authentication techniques, which I think sebras wrote, not me.15:33.35 
  I'm not sure we can do certificate security15:33.57 
  I'm pretty sure GS doesn't.15:34.06 
Nancy_iMac seems fair to only handle what gs does, in first pass.15:34.30 
kens Memory leaks, reference counting problems are all good if you want a break15:34.32 
  I'm not sure what else needs implementing, did you look at optional content ?15:35.02 
Nancy_iMac I did OC for images, I am pretty sure. 15:35.20 
  at some point we will need to do a compare between gs and gpdf and then we will find a zillion things we missed15:35.56 
kens Absolutely no doubt about that at all15:36.17 
Nancy_iMac I am pretty sure that unfortunately your halftones aren't identical to the gs ones, so there are small differences that arguably don't necessarily matter other than messing up a bmpcmp15:36.21 
kens I haven't (yet) updated the code to actually set up the same halftones as the PostScript itnerpreter15:36.46 
  So they are still differetn, yes. But we do (or should) have the ability to sort that out now15:37.04 
  OK so given its nearly 5pm I'll start in on the parent object numbers tomorrow15:38.03 
Nancy_iMac kens: Sounds good.15:38.24 
kens Oh I merged in master today as well, so we should be up to date again15:38.43 
Nancy_iMac cool15:39.46 
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