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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2021/04/09)Fwd 1 day (to 2021/04/11) >>>20210410 
IckyPox Hi, i did a "gs -sBATCH -sNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=txtwrite <filename.pdf> , but i get an error: "Unknown device:txtwrite"17:52.14 
artifexi- <KenSharp> What version of Ghostscript are you running ?18:17.37 
  <KenSharp> You can do gs --help and list the available devices that way18:17.58 
  <KenSharp> IckyPox the txtwrite device has been standard to Ghostscript since July 2011, so if you are getting that error then you are either using an ancient version of Ghostscript, or the packager has not included the device. However, I notice you ahev not specified an output file, and you must do that too. Its just conceivable that the error is misleading. Try adding -sOutputFile=out%d.txt18:36.00 
  <KenSharp> And with that, I'm off for the night18:36.25 
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