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unixbsd hello how to convert a PDF to JPG?17:12.32 
  gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f input.pdf 17:12.35 
chrisl Use the jpeg device17:13.31 
unixbsd can I get 350 DPI?17:13.39 
chrisl -r35017:13.47 
unixbsd I need 350 DPI image from that PDF?17:13.49 
chrisl gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -r350 -o output%03d.jpg input.pdf 17:14.39 
unixbsd thank you17:14.56 
chrisl NP17:15.01 
unixbsd Perfect !!!! gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -r850 -o output%03d.jpg input.pdf17:16.48 
  thank you very much you help me a lot17:17.05 
chrisl No problem, glad it works for you17:19.54 
unixbsd here please find herewith a little gesture of thanks ... so much I may help. C multi use tool: 17:20.38 
  https://termbin.com/2qbg4 17:20.42 
  too large ;)17:21.23 
  https://zerobin.net/?bc3ce424e260f9c8#UuXUaY8hSg+SfiuL9DZUpf3k6vyRQR6Peeo7iGRKdsM= 17:25.24 
chrisl Looks..... interesting......17:28.08 
unixbsd oh man17:29.49 
  it crashes with xpaint17:29.55 
  it seems that xpaint fails to open the created jpg. Is there maybe a PNG drriver too?17:30.20 
  png16m 17:36.26 
  <89>PNG ... all fine 17:40.03 
  no idea, why xpaint crashes to open it17:40.13 
  gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -r1050 -o output\%03d.png 17:40.36 
chrisl If your gs is reasonably up to date, you don't need the -dSAFER more - it's the default17:41.29 
unixbsd I know why17:51.59 
  gs makes a file without iCC17:52.08 
  gimp shows me taht the file is not converted, that's why xpaint crashes.17:52.23 
chrisl You mean *with* ICC, surely?17:55.02 
unixbsd without or with, no idea, i click on yes when gimp opens, it does convert each files.17:55.42 
chrisl IIRC, *recent* versions of Ghostscript embed a profile in the output where we can17:56.12 
  TBH, it's not exactly my area!17:56.55 
unixbsd me neither18:00.05 
chrisl I don't immediately see a way to disable embedding of the profile. It's kind of rubish that xpaint crashes, rather than just ignore the profile, though :-(18:01.25 
unixbsd I wished I could give you the crashing jpg or png file, I cannot give .( :( If I find one, I give you some dasy.18:04.23 
chrisl I'm not an xpaint developer, not sure there would be much I could do with it!18:05.57 
unixbsd no one do dev on xpaint18:17.19 
  no one may like x11 any longer. 18:17.30 
  Linux moves into systemd , qt6, and shinning modern, bloeated tools and software18:17.57 
chrisl Well, I agree.... except, x11 has been pretty bloated since the early '90s!18:18.54 
unixbsd do you think that x11 is bloated ? 18:19.10 
  why 18:19.11 
  https://gitlab.com/openbsd98324/xpdfedit <---18:19.33 
  this is nothing compared to how much is bloated the whole linux core softwrae18:19.45 
  cmake and automaking tools as never ever.... finally instead of having a little x11 apps, we have a super swiss knife that can everything and that no one can compile or make use of18:20.23 
  this is just programming politics or ego.18:20.31 
chrisl I didn't x11 apps were bloated, I said x11 was bloated. And I'm certainly not claiming Wayland is *better*.....18:21.23 
  s/didn't/didn't say18:21.37 
unixbsd ah aha so much better will be wayland18:21.45 
  the linux dev is so much happy to go wayland18:21.56 
  they are the best for mass destruction18:22.01 
  ... something like "Humans" are.. maybe our nature to screw all.18:22.15 
chrisl But there are limitations deep in the x11 architecture that make things problematic with high resolutions, accelerations etc.... Not saying Wayland is the solution, but x11 has been creaking for some time18:24.10 
unixbsd well. 18:24.50 
  this is way why I code myself18:25.02 
  my code is a dirt.18:25.07 
  But I keep my code and I clean up my dirt .. on the same code -- right very same.18:25.23 
  THIS means to take energy to clean up18:25.32 
  In summation, the energy requested will be less than making a new dirt.18:25.49 
chrisl At least we have that chance to do our own stuff18:26.28 
unixbsd what do you mean?18:26.46 
chrisl We have a rich and varied world of open source software.... if we dislike something enough, we can change it18:27.33 
unixbsd not really18:27.42 
  you cannot write the kernel yourself18:27.50 
chrisl I could if I felt strongly enough about it18:28.41 
unixbsd really... 18:30.17 
  I fight at ##linux to remove Google from that kernel18:30.30 
  I believe in #linux-legacy <--- no google junks18:30.46 
  we make 50 50 ... give me kernel; I give you the userland in C !!18:32.43 
  here all starts from this init.c 18:32.53 
chrisl Anyway, it's late (here), and I'm tired.... going afk18:33.15 
unixbsd init.c https://termbin.com/hrb7 18:33.21 
  we keep in touch.... rest 18:33.32 
  Mission completed! gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=output.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f "combine.pdf"18:51.21 
  I converted pdfs to single pdf page, then gimp on each to modify, then back to pdflatex with tex, to make pdf docs, then pdftk to merge18:51.59 
  and 100mb, then pdf to pdf to get smaller size. done !18:52.13 
  I go to bed soon too19:09.07 
  good night19:09.10 
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