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Ashish  /msg NickServ Ashish9508:43.57 
  Recently I faced with ghostscript. I got printout with error.08:45.26 
  “ERROR: range check, OFFENDING COMMAND: setcolorrendering”08:45.27 
  Source pdf had both portrait and landscape pages.08:46.14 
chrisl Ashish: Given that the error is coming from the setcolorrendering operator, I doubt the relevance of the orientation of the pages.... My first guess would be that the PDF is broken08:49.31 
Ashish Printing pdf again works fine.08:50.51 
  But this issue have came twice in this month08:51.09 
artifexi- <chrisl> So, Ghostscript fails once, then works the second time?08:52.06 
Ashish Yes08:52.17 
  Thats strange thing happen08:52.26 
artifexi- <chrisl> Odd, though, that doesn't look like a Ghostscript error message....08:53.54 
Ashish You mean its related to printer ?08:55.49 
chrisl I don't know. It's just that doesn't *quite* follow the form of error gs normally emits08:56.43 
  TBH, it's pretty hard to comment without (at least) seeing an example of the failing files, and the full gs command line being used08:57.18 
Ashish I missed one information : This error came on prinout page.08:58.27 
chrisl So, I would guess you are using the ps2write output device, then09:00.31 
Ashish Its mswinpr209:01.22 
artifexi- <chrisl> Frankly, I don't see how that is possible.09:03.38 
chrisl (damn, I keep typing in the wrong window....)09:04.11 
  Frankly, I don't see how that is possible.09:04.17 
Ashish args = new String[]{09:04.42 
                      "mark /NoCancel true /QueryUser 3 /OutputFile (%printer%"+printerName+") /UserSettings <</DocumentName ("+docName +")>> (mswinpr2) finddevice putdeviceprops setdevice",09:04.47 
  These are the parameters I use09:05.00 
chrisl If Ghostscript is throwing an error from a PDF file, you should see the error message on stderr, not on the rendered output09:06.39 
Ashish then I think It should be related to printer driver.09:07.29 
chrisl Possibly. mswinpr2 is a pretty simple device (in theory): it just renders the page to a bitmap, and pushes that bitmap into the Windows print pipeline. So Ghostscript isn't feeding any Postscript operators through there09:09.31 
  Is the printer driver outputting Postscript to the printer, do you know?09:11.41 
Ashish Current Printer support postscript printing09:13.21 
chrisl Well, I can't say for certain that it isn't a Ghostscript problem, but it feels unlikely. If I were you, I would try to capture the Postscript being sent to the printer, and when the problem occurs, check whether the Postscript is actually valid.09:14.58 
Ashish ok09:17.35 
chrisl Depending on the source of the PDF, you might also check that the PDF being pass to gs isn't just that error page.09:18.36 
Ashish In our application we are previewing pdf before print So at that time there was no error showing in preview.09:20.10 
chrisl Well, that's one (admittedly unlikely) source of the problem eliminated...09:21.38 
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