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Antonio81 Hello everyone08:42.50 
  how are you?08:42.54 
ghostbot Antonio81: you know how it is...08:42.54 
Antonio81 is there any contrast option when creating the pcl using gs?08:43.27 
chrisl Not really. That's not really the purpose of gs.08:44.30 
  What you *could* do is find a suitable ICC profile and that *should* work. But that is *way* outside what I could help you with08:45.47 
  And, depending on the input, if you have the knowledge, you could probably define a Postscript transfer function that would create the effect you want. But that's going to be pretty involved.08:47.20 
Antonio81 and there is any way to rotate a pdf when creating the pcl?08:58.13 
  i dont care about the pdf (its landscape) but I want the PCL to have any kind of info and tell the printer that the media is in landscape08:59.01 
  or else what will happen is that the printer will print half of the media, like it prints a portrait page of a landscape page but without adjusting09:00.01 
chrisl There is a (relatively) easy way, and a rather more involved way. If you know the target page size, you should be able to use the "easy" way.09:01.31 
Antonio81 the target page size is A409:03.10 
  thanks a lot for your help and patience chrisl09:03.52 
chrisl So, if you did something like adding "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dFitPage" to your command line, that would (hopefully) produce a portrait page - it's *slightly* dependant in the input, though09:12.00 
  Where the dimensions of A4 in points is 595 × 842 (w x h)09:12.47 
Antonio81 but the width and height points raise a problem09:16.58 
  this process is fully automatic, since the reception of the pdf until the printing of the document and if I set the width and height points the print gets stuck on the printer as the printer cannot get the printing paper siz<e09:17.58 
  but I will try it :)09:18.32 
chrisl So, the A4 printer can't select A4 paper??09:18.54 
  Which specific Ghostscript device are you using?09:20.06 
Antonio81 pdfwrite to create the pdf09:20.38 
  and then ljet4 for the pcl09:20.42 
chrisl So, first question is: why the two steps?09:21.18 
Antonio81 because the automatic process only prints from the pcl09:22.25 
  and because there are some pages that we need to adjust or they will get cropped09:22.42 
chrisl It seems wasteful to create a PDF, rather than just go straight to PCL09:23.25 
Antonio81 ok, thats a good point :D09:23.40 
  if I can rotate the pcl and make it print the way I want, thats a good point09:23.54 
  there is something very strange, which is, I am not being able to rotate the pdf using GS but I did it using pdftk09:24.33 
chrisl Well, gs and pdftk are totally different tools09:24.59 
Antonio81 but if I create a new pdf with gs using the rotated pdf from pdftk the output pdf goes back to landscape09:25.13 
  I agree, both are very different :)09:25.59 
  im just trying to find a way to get the result I need for the printing process09:26.22 
chrisl I mean totally different tools, with totally different purposes09:26.30 
Antonio81 because the process has no human action09:26.38 
chrisl pdfwrite has heuristics which try to guess the correct orientation based on the page contents (mostly text orientation), that could be screwing you up09:27.15 
Antonio81 yes, is there a way to disable it?09:27.37 
chrisl -dAutoRotatePages=/None should disable it09:27.41 
Antonio81 it does not work :/09:27.48 
  i've been all over stackoverflow and testing09:28.03 
  I cannot rotate the pdf with gs :(09:28.17 
  i can send you the file, if you want to take a look09:28.26 
chrisl You cannot rotate a PDF at all with gs - gs does not manipulate PDf files09:28.49 
Antonio81 could you please take a look?09:39.35 
  i would really be thankful09:39.49 
chrisl So, that's landscape....09:40.34 
  And you want it portrait?09:41.58 
Antonio81 yes09:43.52 
  even if the text becomes vertical09:44.00 
  there is no problem09:44.05 
chrisl This works for me: -dAutoRotatePages=/None -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o out.pdf -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dFitPage LX_562T_0162392495_0165479563.pdf09:44.53 
Antonio81 let me try :)09:51.26 
  it didnt work for me09:53.28 
chrisl What are you using to view the output?09:53.46 
Antonio81 used this command09:53.58 
  gswin64c.exe -dAutoRotatePages=/None -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o D:\tmp\LX_562T_0162392495_0165479563.pdf -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dFitPage D:\tmp\LX_562T_0162392495_0165479563_APR.pdf09:53.58 
  it did09:54.20 
  I've changed the input and output09:54.32 
  thanks a lot09:54.34 
chrisl NP09:54.40 
  FWIW, "-sDEVICE=ljet4 -o out.pcl -sDEFAULTPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dFitPage LX_562T_0162392495_0165479563.pdf" goes straight to a portrait PCL file09:55.36 
Antonio81 chrisl, I will try everything, thanks a lot10:00.24 
chrisl NP10:01.24 
  Antonio81: One other thing: you might want to experiment with ljetplus (instead of iljet4). It doesn't support compression, so the PCL will be larger, *but* it also doesn't support selecting the page size in the PCL output. Other than those two things, as far as I can tell, the capabilities are the same as ljet4.10:22.18 
Antonio81 i have to use ljet4 because the printer auto staples the sheets10:33.22 
chrisl Well, the only thing I can see between the two devices that *might* affect that is selecting the paper size, which you said was a problem....10:39.02 
Antonio81 chrisl it worked like a charm13:16.06 
  thanks a lot13:16.09 
  got it rotated and stapled :)13:16.16 
chrisl Cool.13:16.25 
  Antonio81: I just need to add the obligatory suggestion that you double check your usage against the license conditions13:17.21 
Antonio81 i will do it, thanks :D13:32.50 
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