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artifexirc-bot <flibble> Hiya, is this the channel for the pdf/ps software?22:09.15 
  <flibble> and if so is there anyone I can contact about maybe providing some extra free fonts22:11.28 
  <Robin_Watts> flibble: This is the right channel, yes.22:54.08 
  <Robin_Watts> You want to provide free fonts to us? Or you want us to provide you with more free fonts?22:54.33 
  <flibble> Robin Watts: an alternate OS, relicensed itself as Apache licence a couple years back. I twigged that its fonts were a metric compatible set of the core postscript level 1 fonts (courier, Times New Roman, Helvetica) and was able to convert them using fontforge23:06.08 
  <flibble> I've no idea if that sort of thing would be useful to people, but I thought I'd see :)23:06.33 
  <flibble> There's also a New Century Schoolbook clone, and a font called Sassoon Primary23:07.50 
  <flibble> https://github.com/marutan/riscos-free-fonts23:07.58 
  <flibble> unfortuanately, I'm not very knowledgable about fonts, so could well have mesed up the conversions23:08.50 
  <flibble> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marutan/riscos-free-fonts/main/Fonts/Homerton.Medium.png23:08.53 
  <flibble> but they seem to have come out ok, that's the Helvetica-a-like23:09.13 
  <Robin_Watts> I am aware of RISC OS. I have some history there 🙂23:17.10 
  <Robin_Watts> I'm not sure the RISC OS fonts actually get us any greater "standard" coverage than we already have (I'm relatively sure they won't).23:18.23 
artifexirc-bot <Robin_Watts> must go to bed. Night.23:18.46 
  <flibble> Robin_Watts: I'm pretty sure you'll already have equivlents already, but I figured I'd check :)23:20.08 
  <flibble> the the23:24.24 
  <flibble> oops23:25.58 
  <flibble> the only font I think you might not have is Sassoon Primary, but that's the one I had trouble with the encoding with23:26.51 
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