Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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artifexirc-bot <enyc> RayJohnston : seems that #ghostscript is not registered on freenode now, so can't just ban things there, what about updating the artifexirc-bot to link OFTC/artifex/libera only and then put in a different bot into the old freenode channel to just advise users of the change of location?08:29.12 
  <enyc> (though beware, forwarding between libera/OFTC that in some cases forward-bots get banned when they forward spam ...)08:29.48 
enyc chrisl, kens, Robin_Watts : beware this is old controversial/dying freenode net, ghostscript.com now point at irc.libera.chat #ghostscript channel, basically all FOSS projects moved off freenode. Hope that helps!10:58.20 
kens enyc we are well aware of this.10:58.45 
enyc okies there seem to be many people appearing many places still going "arguah wheta happned to my nick" etc etc and a few projects only just sorted themselves out10:59.36 
artifexirc-bot <KenSharp> At the present time we intend to continue on both networks, while we see what happens10:59.40 
chrisl "this is old controversial/dying freenode net" channel still has more logged in users than that other one.....10:59.56 
artifexirc-bot <enyc> I wonder why Ghostscript had this separate AFPL or whatever license for a long time11:00.24 
  <enyc> then got rid of it11:00.28 
  <kens> Because Ghostscript is very old11:00.43 
  <kens> When originally written nit was owned by Peter Deutsch and his company was aladdin enterprises (IIRC), hence the Aladdin Free Public License or AFPL.11:01.36 
  <kens> When the GPL became more popular the license was switched to GPL2 and then to AGPL 311:02.34 
  <kens> But basically, its istorical11:02.41 
  <enyc> kens: I see, did that require a lot of tracing old copyright holders?.11:04.10 
  <kens> No, not at the time.11:04.53 
Robin_Watts No, because all the development on Ghostscript has been done by Peter, people paid by Aladdin, or people that had copyright assigned to Aladdin.11:05.11 
artifexirc-bot <kens> There are contributed portions (see the contrib directory in the Ghostscript source tree) which cannot be licensed to commercial custoemrs11:05.30 
Robin_Watts This is why Artifex (the company that sprang out of Aladdin and now owns all the copyright) requires Copyright assignment so we can continue to commercially license it in parallel with the GNU AGPL version.11:06.13 
artifexirc-bot <enyc> I see!11:06.52 
  <enyc> hrrm whatever happened to the 'gsview' and other ghostscript dependent pdf viewers12:31.55 
  <enyc> I remember this being fun on windows and slow too12:32.02 
  <enyc> but had niche uses or something12:32.10 
  <KenSharp> gsview has been unsupported fro some time, it stopped at version 512:32.24 
  <enyc> now there are so many PDF viewers on so many platforms, but not sure of their vaidied quality12:32.36 
  <enyc> has anybody done good well explained comparisons?12:32.47 
  <KenSharp> Version 5 does not work with current versions of Ghostscript; I believe there is an updated version which does, but I don't have a URL for it12:32.59 
  <KenSharp> Pretty much everybody doing comparisons of PDF consumers has some kind of axe to grind.12:33.38 
  <chrisl> The validity and quality of PDF consumers is a pointless discussion when the validity and quality of PDF files is practically zero :-(12:33.57 
  <KenSharp> Also, horses for courses. A Javascript engine will be more use to someone doing web work than a native consumer for example.12:34.08 
  <KenSharp> Even though it will be slower12:34.21 
  <alexcher> Folks, I'm having some free time this summer. How can I help?15:49.25 
  <Robin_Watts> Hi alexcher. Henry is probably the guy to answer that, and he's in a meeting right now.15:57.08 
  <alexcher> OK15:57.37 
enyc g-lining and unreliable connections galore ;/ link in OFTC ?18:39.33 
artifexirc-bot <HenryStiles> alexcher I'll raise it at the next staff meeting on Tuesday and see what we have for you to do. Thanks.20:05.43 
  <alexcher> Thank you.20:06.39 
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