Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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artifexirc-bot <Robin_Watts> Stray trailing slash.10:23.58 
  <KenSharp> It worked for me as is in Chrome10:24.34 
  <Robin_Watts> I've pushed a fix.10:25.33 
  <KenSharp> OK10:25.43 
  <Robin_Watts> @KenSharp I connected to a new "ghostscript/" channel.10:25.47 
  <Robin_Watts> It'll take 10 mins to show up.10:25.54 
  <KenSharp> Oh, maybe I did too10:25.58 
  <KenSharp> Didn't think to check that10:26.07 
  <KenSharp> So we're not mentioning freenode at all ?10:26.40 
  <KenSharp> Not that it bothers me either way10:26.50 
  <Robin_Watts> If it was me, I'd change the text to say "We have moved to discord, but have bridged the irc channels for convenience. Beware bridge collapses." 🙂10:27.43 
  <KenSharp> Oh I see a #ghostscript/ channel listed as well10:27.50 
  <KenSharp> We should rename matterbridge to tacoma10:28.07 
  <Robin_Watts> Refetch, and it should be OK now?10:28.14 
  <KenSharp> Eh no what I meant was logging in I now see two #ghostscript channels. This is in the left pane when I login via Chrome following the link10:28.51 
  <KenSharp> As a gues10:29.04 
  <Robin_Watts> Yes, the cookie in the browser probably remembers the channels you were in?10:29.18 
  <Guest53> This is me on IRC10:29.19 
  <KenSharp> It could be that yes10:29.34 
  <Robin_Watts> I too had 2 channels, and I've just closed one.10:29.36 
  <KenSharp> Yeah there is a thingy for forgetting stuff, look slike it uses a cookie10:30.34 
artifexirc-bot <KenSharp> goes back to transfer functions10:30.53 
  <enyc> Robin_Watts etc... yes I'd watch out leaving bridge in freenode, the whole server is getting spam, trolls about, ''new'' staff seem to be giving up, I guess ghostscript is sufficiently niche to miss it, e.g. #freenode channel is very telling now...10:51.42 
  <enyc> There is a nice waiting #ghostscript channel on OFTC, in terms of keeping irc-connectedness OFTC would be a better second place to bridge to ontop of libera10:52.11 
  <KenSharp> The #ghostscript channel is normally very quiet10:52.17 
  <KenSharp> If it becomes a problem we'll rethink obviously10:52.42 
menionleah menionleah says 'who gives a shit'18:51.15 
  menionleah says 'you're changing the subject'18:51.17 
  menionleah says 'i chose a place close to a job tha ti expected to be at'18:51.20 
  menionleah says 'its still cheaperthan my other place'18:51.22 
  menionleah says 'im a huge low credit pile of garbage, and nee dsomeone else to save me because im stupid, fat, unlikeable, irresponsible, and have a tiny penis'18:51.26 
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