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artifexirc-bot <velix> Hey. Is it possible to replace a TTF with an OTF of the same font? So same kerning etc. ?17:19.33 
  <chrisl> Depends....17:20.12 
  <chrisl> In general, it probably is, but there are use cases (especially with Ghostscript) where it is not17:22.03 
  <velix> Okay... so I have to rent Acrobat as it seems :(17:24.47 
  <chrisl> Well, you certainly can't replace an embedded TTF with, well, anything else. But I assume that's not what you meant17:25.38 
  <velix> The thing is: I've got Myriad and Minion as OTF (PS) and TTF (word compatible).17:26.30 
  <velix> The document was created in Word, so it's TTF.17:26.41 
  <velix> But the PDF needs to be delivered with the PS (OTF).17:26.50 
  <velix> So I either I need to re-layout it in InDesign17:26.58 
  <velix> or replace the font ;)17:27.01 
  <chrisl> Well, if it's already embedded, then no, the ship has sailed. I'd be surprised if Acrobat can do that, frankly17:28.01 
  <velix> Isn't such preflight stuff all what Acrobat is about?17:28.46 
  <chrisl> No, pre-flight checks the validity of the PDF17:29.04 
  <velix> Hm? In my Acrobat trial, I've TONS of stuff to change colors, fix PDF etc.17:29.45 
  <velix> I can insert missing fonts, re-render images17:29.55 
  <velix> convert color spaces etc.17:29.58 
  <velix> All under "preflight".17:30.04 
  <chrisl> "insert missing fonts" is not "replace embedded fonts"17:30.24 
  <velix> Okay. I think I'll outsource the layouting then. 150 pages... that'll take some weeks ;)17:31.30 
  <chrisl> Out of curiosity, why does it have to be delivered with an OTTO font?17:32.17 
  <velix> chrisl: Unfortunately, this is the requirement beside accessibility stuff.17:33.13 
  <velix> chrisl: I've spent lots of money on those font licenses now.17:33.24 
  <velix> I'm sad, Word still can reat OTF (PS) fonts, but not output them ;)17:33.37 
  <velix> read*17:33.41 
  <chrisl> Seems dumb, frankly17:33.50 
  <chrisl> And it *has* to be an OTTO font, and not a Postscript type font?17:34.44 
  <velix> let me look up the exact wording17:35.21 
  <chrisl> Because Ghostscript doesn't *ever* embed an OTTO font17:35.38 
  <velix> I'm not using Ghostscript to create the PDF. I want to use it to edit/distill the PDF ;)17:36.57 
  <velix> Requirements (translated): The Myriad Pro Regular/Semibold and Minion Pro Regular/Semibold fonts as Open Type are mandatory. If they are not already installed, they are available at fonts.adobe.com17:37.07 
  <velix> That's where I've purchased them17:37.12 
  <chrisl> Well, as I say, Ghostscript will never embed to OTTO fonts - that just pointlessly makes the PDF larger17:38.02 
  <velix> TTC, OTTO and OTC - that's all soo confusing.17:39.17 
  <velix> I miss the times, when they were Type 1 and TTF.17:39.23 
  <velix> Everyting was clear.17:39.27 
  <velix> Type1 = professional stuff, TTF = hobby17:39.36 
  <velix> now we have CFF outlines, CJK fonts and... what else.17:39.59 
  <velix> SFNT ?17:40.25 
  <chrisl> SFNT is TTF17:40.32 
  <velix> :D17:40.38 
  <chrisl> CFF is a different way of (mostly) encoding the data from a Type 1 font17:41.05 
  <velix> I've seen there are dynamic fonts in the new InDesign17:41.41 
  <velix> One font with two scrollbar.17:41.48 
  <velix> scrollbars17:41.52 
  <chrisl> dynamic fonts are a pain, and I hope they will die a rapid death17:42.11 
  <chrisl> They are not dissimilar to Multiple Master fonts, which were a "morphing" outline technology based on Type 117:43.01 
  <velix> Actually, the requirements say "as Open Type are mandatory"17:43.33 
  <velix> Open Type can be both.17:43.43 
  <velix> OpenType (TrueType flavor) AND OpenType (PostScript flavor)17:43.49 
  <velix> and = or17:43.53 
  <velix> So, actually I'm fine with my TrueType flavor things.17:44.14 
  <chrisl> Indeed yes. There is no plausible reason to required OTTO over TTF17:44.28 
  <velix> Sorry for my confusion, but I thought OTTO is just the type code of OpenType?17:45.15 
  <chrisl> OTTO is the file "magic number" for OpenType fonts using CFF outlines17:45.46 
  <velix> Acoording to Wikipedia, it's just the magic number of OpenType in general?17:46.24 
  <chrisl> Well, not really because, as you say, OpenType includes both TTF outlines and CFF outlines17:46.48 
  <velix> Yeah, that's what confused me. I thought it's always OTTO, but the metadata describes if it's TTF or CFF outlines.17:47.21 
  <velix> no no no, that doesn't make fun anymore :)17:47.53 
  <chrisl> OpenType has more metadata tables that TrueType permitted, so perhaps they mean, whether outlines are CFF or TTF the metadata has to be OpenType17:48.58 
  <chrisl> s/that/than17:49.06 
  <velix> Thanks for the talk. Maybe it's fine like it is now ;)17:50.19 
  <chrisl> No problem. Frankly, fonts are a bit of minefield - and we didn't even have to get into CIDFonts! Which is a relief17:51.15 
  <velix> chrisl: Which tools do you use to distinguish, if an OTF is TT or PS?18:49.57 
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