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artifexirc-bot <chrisl> velix: I read the font file in vim....06:53.08 
  <chrisl> I would think there would be one of the freetype "demo" tools that would print out the information, though06:54.52 
  <velix> chrisl: ok11:23.49 
  <LadyFriday> Hello! I am working on a project for a company where there is a PDF printer that is shared from the network and all computers can print from it. Additionally, the printer should automatically attach the digital signature from the user that is printing to the PDF, thus preventing the PDF from being edited without invalidating the signature. I'm new to using Ghostscript, so any pointers in the right direction would be a15:16.19 
  <KenSharp> And what is your question ?15:16.45 
  <LadyFriday> I'm wondering if this can be done, and how to do it15:16.59 
  <KenSharp> I imagine its a simple matter of programming15:17.16 
  <KenSharp> I've no idea if your printer can do this or not15:17.30 
  <Robin_Watts> @LadyFriday That sounds unlikely to me. Can I check I understand correctly, by restating the problem back to you?15:22.12 
  <LadyFriday> Yes, please15:22.26 
  <Robin_Watts> You have a real physical network printer, capable of printing PDFs.15:22.39 
  <Robin_Watts> You have a bunch of computers on the network that you want to be able to print to it by some mechanism.15:23.11 
  <Robin_Watts> Or, are you saying you have a server somewhere on the network that pretends to be a printer, and actually produces PDFs that contain the print job?15:24.28 
  <LadyFriday> I have a PDF printer available to use already15:24.51 
  <LadyFriday> I'm using Bullzip PDF Printer which uses Ghostscript15:25.03 
  <Robin_Watts> Right, so it's a server that turns print jobs into PDFs.15:25.58 
  <LadyFriday> Hello! I am working on a project for a company where there is a PDF printer that is shared from the network and all computers can print from it. The printer should automatically attach the digital signature from the user that is printing to the PDF, thus preventing the PDF from being edited without invalidating the signature. I'm wondering if this can be done since the PDF printer uses Ghostscript. I'm new to using Gh15:26.09 
  <KenSharp> Ghostscript cannot produce signed PDF files, so if you are using it, then you can't get a signed PDF produced from Ghostscript. You would have to use something else to sign it as a separate process.15:26.51 
  <Robin_Watts> You want that server to (as a side effect of the 'print' process) to sign the produced PDF with a user signature from the user that printed.15:27.07 
  <LadyFriday> Yep15:27.16 
  <Robin_Watts> As Ken says, Ghostscript can't currently sign PDFs, so that's a pretty big blocker 🙂15:27.37 
  <LadyFriday> :KEKW:15:27.55 
  <LadyFriday> Okay unlucky, thanks for your help!15:28.03 
  <Robin_Watts> Also, even if ghostscript *could* sign PDFs, where would it get the digital signature from?15:28.18 
  <LadyFriday> Certificate management for the current user15:28.37 
  <Robin_Watts> Are you wanting the printing computers to pass them across as well? Or would you have a list of them on the print server ?15:28.52 
  <LadyFriday> Either works15:29.02 
  <LadyFriday> Using Bullzip, I've written some VBA code and a Powershell script that can do what I specified with Excel files, which can run VBA. Now I'm looking to do the same but for any generic file15:29.51 
  <Robin_Watts> Well, the latter seems easier to me 🙂 That requires changes in the server setup, not in every single application that might print.15:30.05 
  <Robin_Watts> I am not familiar with Bullzip, so bear with me here...15:30.32 
  <KenSharp> IIRC its basically RedMon+Ghostscript15:30.47 
  <KenSharp> And it's proprietary15:30.57 
  <KenSharp> We don't really like Bullzip15:31.10 
  <Robin_Watts> I don't know if it's possible for bullzip to trigger a process when the print job completes, or not. If it is, then maybe you can do the signing as a postprocessing step using something other than gs.15:31.25 
  <Robin_Watts> @KenSharp Good to know.15:31.37 
  <LadyFriday> LOL15:31.54 
  <Robin_Watts> In the bullzip blurbit says: "Signing of PDF documents using digital certificates."15:33.07 
  <LadyFriday> Yep that's what we're looking to do and what we've been doing to Excel files15:33.24 
  <KenSharp> @Robin_Watts in the free version ?15:33.38 
  <KenSharp> Hmm yes it does say that15:33.50 
  <KenSharp> So maybe you should ask the Bullzip people15:34.00 
  <LadyFriday> We've been using the trial version for testing, but we are down to pay if necessary lmao15:34.04 
  <KenSharp> Nothing to do with us, can't help you with that15:34.30 
  <KenSharp> I'm looking at the 'free' version15:34.39 
  <LadyFriday> The trial version has all the features of the paid version, just comes with a watermark at the side of the PDFs printed. This way all features of the PDF printer can be tested before it is bought15:37.26 
  <KenSharp> Well the free version says you can have 10 users15:37.56 
  <KenSharp> But, as @Robin_Watts points out, the application documentation says it supports signing, so I think you should take it up with Bullzip support. Certainly we can't help you with their code and as we said, Ghostscript won't be doing the signing, that must be a post-production step15:39.06 
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