Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2021/06/23)Fwd 1 day (to 2021/06/25) >>>20210624 
ztheman Ztheman says 'hehehe says BONG! the time is 02:00 how did it know'09:30.37 
  Ztheman says 'peacepipe time'09:30.38 
  Ztheman says 'Kats that link I sent of metallica I'm still listening to it can see it but window in window'09:30.38 
enyc meows/join #macosx09:44.29 
  few things left on freenode!09:45.22 
artifexirc-bot <enyc> UErr... artiflexirc-bot is forwarding messages twice including spam ;/10:00.08 
  <enyc> ** can we have the artifexirc-bot moved from freenode -> irc.oftc.net #ghostscript over there instead and cut out the spam and be in a more useful extra-irc-place that way? freenode has truly gone rather dead and, indeed spam and nonsense going on ;/10:01.10 
  <Robin_Watts> enyc: It's on my list. Low on my list, cos it's more involved than you think.10:18.31 
  <enyc> Robin_Watts: ok tbh I don't know how "involved" it may be having not see code or whats' going on =)10:25.10 
  <enyc> Robin_Watts: though now you mention this, I do wonder... unless you are doing matrix-style integration into network itself... if you have an irc-bot that logs on, how much server-type-specific parsing/changes are there, good question!10:26.20 
bodqhrohro Hey, freenode is alive.17:03.14 
kens That did it18:43.14 
artifexirc-bot <Robin_Watts> test318:47.12 
  <KenSharp> Seems OK now18:47.20 
enyc test dup full path18:48.56 
artifexirc-bot <enyc> that works, OFTC no bot yet but dups gone =)18:49.39 
kens Main thing is we have control of the channel again here.18:50.19 
artifexirc-bot <enyc> nonetheless network trust so widely low, even if apparently opped/registered now18:52.48 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2021/06/23)Forward 1 day (to 2021/06/25)>>> 
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