Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2021/07/24)Fwd 1 day (to 2021/07/26) >>>20210725 
menionleah menionleah asks 'you threatening me now?'02:59.07 
  menionleah says 'i wasnt threatening you, just giving you an FYI. i didnt call tha thit'02:59.07 
  menionleah says 'you're stil lgoing to die, for a lot of reasons'02:59.10 
  menionleah says 'all of them valid'02:59.13 
  menionleah exclaims 'herp derp the CCP has conbinved american indians they are really chinese!'02:59.15 
kens menionleah kicked and banned08:23.09 
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ghostscript.com #mupdf