Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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artifexirc-bot <max__> On your FAQ https://www.ghostscript.com/faq/index.html15:13.37 
  <max__> It says "You may find useful information in the forums we have noted above." But there is not forum mentioned above15:13.38 
  <max__> only discourse and IRC (the IRC is empty)15:13.58 
  <KenSharp> We no longer use IRC ourselves. There is a bridge to and from IRC to Discord15:14.35 
  <KenSharp> Those are the only forums where the developers hang out, though sometimes questions on Stack Overflow get answered.15:15.39 
  <max__> got it.15:20.06 
  <max__> Came here to ask where to write a feature request15:20.25 
  <KenSharp> You can open a bug in our Bugzilla and mark it as 'enhancement' in the priority field (I thin kit's prioirty, there is certainly a field with that in)15:21.04 
  <max__> allright will do that. thanks15:21.24 
  <KenSharp> NP15:21.33 
  <max__> https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70474215:44.39 
  <KenSharp> Yeah that's not possible15:45.15 
  <KenSharp> We can't realistically tell which portion of an image is visible at the time we would need to.15:45.37 
  <KenSharp> We won't be doing that request, sorry.15:46.19 
  <max__> 😢15:47.05 
  <max__> Scribus doesn't want to implement this on export because they say that this functionality should be in tools like GhostScript...15:53.05 
  <KenSharp> Well they are wrong IMO15:53.16 
  <KenSharp> Why should Ghostscript be expected to post-process their output ?15:53.37 
  <max__> Well, GS is the go-to tool to post-process a PDF, for example if I want to shrink it or flatten it15:54.22 
  <KenSharp> But that isn't actually what it is intended for 🙂15:54.47 
  <max__> never the less, that what it's used for15:55.10 
  <KenSharp> The problem is, as I said in the report, we would have to assemble an awful lot of knowledge about the file content while interpreting it; the size and lcoation of every object on the page, the Z order of all the objects, the transparency of each object at each stage, including all the things like patterns and forms, which the creating application has used to make life easier for itself. All this information is (or should15:56.32 
  <KenSharp> Clearly it can be done since you say other (if commercial) applications can do so.15:57.33 
  <KenSharp> Expecting Ghostscript to fix the file after creation is franly pretty poor15:57.51 
  <KenSharp> Expecting Ghostscript to fix the file after creation is frankly pretty poor15:57.58 
  <max__> It would be more universal though.15:58.17 
  <KenSharp> Its not going to happen.15:58.31 
  <KenSharp> I'd estimate that at a year or more's work15:58.42 
  <chrisl> It would also fundamentally break the solution for the *other* complaint that lots of people have for that application15:58.44 
  <KenSharp> Really ? Which solution is that ?15:59.00 
  <max__> ?15:59.04 
  <chrisl> We *have* to decompress and recompress all image data15:59.10 
  <KenSharp> Well for any imaghe that needs adjusted yes.15:59.39 
  <KenSharp> Well for any image that needs adjusted yes.15:59.44 
  <chrisl> And it would only be technically possible for the simplest of clipping16:01.33 
  <max__> Well, thanks for writing it up anyway, so I can point to this bugzilla issue in the scribus tracker.16:02.57 
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