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artifexirc-bot <siomn> Hello! Any way to make Ghostscript print a more specific error message? (Right now I'm getting “GPL Ghostscript 9.55.0: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1”, which is really not helpful.)03:48.43 
  <enyc> siomn: I'm seeing many examples of Error: output before that final close-out message... Are you calling linux or windows ghostscript directly, inside some other program .... ? some conext may help, I can say you will highly likelyget answer in this channel just need to make sure IRC left open! don't close-out, devs do come and go!04:02.20 
  <siomn> Managed to print out some more information with -dDEBUG. To provide some more context: I'm trying to prevent single-quotes from being converted to "smart quotes" (curly quotes) on conversion to PDF.04:07.01 
  <siomn> I'm using Emacs's M-x ps-print-buffer-with-faces, and I've checked the PostScript code -- Emacs is outputting regular single quotes. (This is in code, so I'd really prefer to have the straight quotes instead of the curly ones.)04:08.06 
  <siomn> Checking the language reference, I see that ASCII 39 (single quote) is mapped to /quoteright instead of /quotesingle in the StandardEncoding. I can change that using the following code: http://vpaste.net/D00ey04:10.17 
  <siomn> (Sorry if pastebins aren't IRC netiquette. I'm quite new to IRC so I'd love corrections.)04:10.43 
  <siomn> (Also quite new to PostScript :p)04:11.41 
  <enyc> siomn: suitable pastebins are very sensible/encouraged, the trouble is those who paste lots into irc channels directly ;/ (also lots who come in impatiently and log out..., rather than leaving IRC connected in background...). PostScript has lots of esoteric history =).04:14.53 
  <siomn> Okay, thanks :) Would the ghostscript mailing list be a better place for this question?04:24.48 
  <enyc> siomn: can't give you definite answer to that but I can say leave irc open 12 hours be surprised if don't see answer from devs in that time.04:25.55 
  <KenSharp> sionm The Standar Encoding is only used if the font has no Encoding. Ordinarily we would expect the input to contain an Encoding for the font. Without seeing your PostScript program, its not really possible for us to help you.08:20.43 
  <siomn> Hello! Sorry for the wait, I left IRC idling overnight so wasn't able to respond to any texts. I've uploaded an example of straight quotes getting translated to curly quotes here: http://vpaste.net/EoIs914:26.22 
  <KenSharp> I'm going to need a few minutes before I can look at it, I'm working on another problem at the moment and I have my source in pieces all over the floor14:27.25 
  <KenSharp> Well a quick desk check and I wouldnt say that the quote is being 'converted'. You have not replaced the Encoding for the font with one that you want to use. As such you get the default Encoding for the font. I'm going to assume that is StandardEncoding, because it usually is.14:30.39 
  <KenSharp> So the character code is being mapped through StandardEncopding and coming up with a glyphname. That glyph name is then looked up in the CharStrings dictionary, and resultin gin a quote which isn't what you want.14:31.17 
  <KenSharp> In that case what you need to do is alter the Encoding so that the character code references the name of the glyph you actually want.14:31.41 
  <KenSharp> This is pretty standard practice for PostScript.14:31.51 
  <KenSharp> Of course, you do have to know whether the font you are using contains a glyph description which is named the way you want. Fonts do not contain glyphs for every possible glyph name and if you try to use a name which doesn't have an entry in the CharStrings dictionary then the font will use the /.notdef glyph instead14:33.04 
  <siomn> Another annoying time-break, but I should be able to answer questions in a reasonable time-frame now. I guess you're right, "translated" isn't the right word.22:13.16 
  <siomn> I'm having trouble with the "alter the Encoding" part. Any hints on what I'm doing wrong here? http://vpaste.net/RsofM22:16.08 
  <siomn> The full file is here: http://vpaste.net/UCNr822:16.35 
  <siomn> ps2pdf doesn't print any errors, but it doesn't have the desired effect either.22:16.55 
  <siomn> ...wait there's a discord channel 👀 I was using IRC because I assumed the project had nothing else22:19.26 
  <Siomn> whoops22:20.00 
  <RayJohnston> Discord is much preferred23:23.10 
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