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artifexirc-bot <moosiey> Hi guys, I have a quick question regarding scaling PDF files07:17.20 
  <moosiey> If I resize a PDF's size in inches by 50%, will the effective ppi/resolution of any embedded images go up?07:18.08 
  <RayJohnston> It depends. If you are generating a PDF image file then, no. But the downsampling thresholds may come into effect if you are generating a 'high level' PDF.07:21.12 
  <moosiey> Ok this would be with high level / pdfwrite07:21.44 
  <RayJohnston> OK. So the downsampling threshold can limit the ppi of the image data in the output PDF.07:23.24 
  <moosiey> I think essentially what im looking for is to resize *without* downsampling...i think07:23.24 
  <moosiey> basically I have a input PDF file that is created by software that can only export images as 72/screen resolution. So what im trying to do is make them (300/72) times larger in the original software, then use GS to resize the PDF down by a factor of (300/72) and hopefully end up with 300 dpi images07:24.23 
  <RayJohnston> Check the docs for the default settings, but you can always change thrm07:24.30 
  <moosiey> ok, would it be as high as possible by default?07:24.52 
  <moosiey> i will check the docs07:24.59 
  <moosiey> does this sound logical?07:29.40 
  <KenSharp> @moosiey I've answered similar sounding questions on Stack Overflow a number of times. If you scale down the content to a smaller media size, without downsampling the images, then the 'effective' resolution of the image increases. Because the image data itself is unaffected. So if (for example) you have a PDF file where the media is A3, and you rescale the content to fit onto A5, then the effect will be to alter the image07:59.25 
  <moosiey> Wonderful, thank you so much!07:59.56 
  <moosiey> I looked at as many links as I found but didn't see a concrete answer, I appreciate it08:00.22 
  <KenSharp> Not a problem. I hope it solves your problem.08:00.46 
  <enyc> moosiey: I wonder if your original software will 'print' at >72dpi and using a pdfwriter / pdfforge etc. from that will directly create pdf that suits needs.08:08.38 
  <moosiey> the software is popular design app called Figma, unfortunately it only exports at 72dpi08:20.07 
  <enyc> moosiey: https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/874441781480244375/Print-for-Figma seems to allow setting dpi when printing, though I don't know about figma/plugins myself...08:23.04 
  <moosiey> Hehe...08:23.22 
  <moosiey> thats my plugin 😄08:23.26 
  <moosiey> I'm working on an update for it that will allow people to use it to automate the re-sizing of the PDF (and thus increase image DPI) by making a call to my server running GS08:24.20 
  <moosiey> right now all the DPI setting in my plugin does is scale your design up by (300/72), but you have to do the resizing yourself somehow08:25.06 
  <moosiey> so anyway im super glad its possible with GS, very thankful for this discord!08:25.31 
  <KenSharp> @moosiey If you have any trouble getting it working, pop back and give me an example to look at and I'll try and help more08:26.30 
  <moosiey> Awesome yeah I'll prob be back in here a few times. I still have to configure GS to run off my node server and figure out how to send the bytes of the PDF back and forth, but I'll probably run GS locally first to test my resizing and i'll let you know how it goes08:27.30 
  <KenSharp> Yeah I ca't help with anything web-related, just Ghostscript 🙂08:28.01 
  <moosiey> my big concern right now is handling decimals and rounding. I might have to round some stuff before I pass to GS im not sure yet08:28.02 
  <Ибупрофеен> hello, help me set up the code, and restore my data, prohibit remote access, etc. I beg you, if this is not possible, please delete the code and restore my account data, etc. Thanks in advance08:59.52 
  <KenSharp> Seems lik eyou are asking this in the wrong forum09:00.22 
  <KenSharp> Seems like you are asking this in the wrong forum09:00.30 
  <Ибупрофеен> well, then can you tell me which forum to apply to ??09:01.57 
  <KenSharp> I don't really understand what it is you want, so not really no09:02.15 
  <Ибупрофеен> It sounds like you are using Ghostscript for academic/internal/personal purposes. Is that correct? You are able to use Ghostscript in this way under its open-source AGPL license. AGPL Ghostscript is offered as-is, without warranty or support but there are resources available to these users: https://artifex.com/support/open-source/ (IRC/Discord would be the best place to pose a question to our engineers if you 09:05.12 
  <Ибупрофеен> 09:05.13 
  <Ибупрофеен> website:http://www.artifex.com09:05.14 
  <KenSharp> OK so you are using Ghostscript. What does that have to do with 'restore my data' or 'prohibit remote access' ?09:05.55 
  <Ибупрофеен> I don’t know how this is connected, but it’s a fact! I did not download or install anything, apparently 3 persons have access to my data, so I ask for help, tell me where to go09:14.06 
  <KenSharp> I'd suggest you go to a securioty forum. Unless your question is specifically related to Ghostscript, we can't help you.09:14.38 
myname_ Joseon rules!21:15.43 
  Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon Joseon 21:17.57 
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