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artifexirc-bot <Pascal_eZmax> Hi everyone, I don't know if this place is the correct one to get some help or the mailing list would be better, but if I am wrong I am sorry and just point me the correct way would be of great help.18:27.26 
  <Pascal_eZmax> 18:27.27 
  <Pascal_eZmax> I am working on an application to place elements in a PDF. So we are generating images to display to the users the page to help them place the elements in a html page.18:27.28 
  <Pascal_eZmax> 18:27.29 
  <Pascal_eZmax> We are using those parameters when calling ghostscript: -dSAFER -dBATCH -dUseCropBox -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile=output_%d.png -r600 -dDownScaleFactor=618:27.30 
  <Pascal_eZmax> 18:27.32 
  <Pascal_eZmax> We are increasing the resolution then downscale to get a better quality of the images. The text is not clear when we don't do it.18:27.33 
  <Pascal_eZmax> 18:27.34 
  <Pascal_eZmax> Everything works fine if the PDF is small, but if we try it on a big file it is very long to process each page. 18:27.36 
  <Pascal_eZmax> 18:27.37 
  <Pascal_eZmax> So we were wondering if there was a way to optimize our command to take less time while keeping the same clarity. We thought the new renderer would help but we saw no changes.18:27.38 
  <Pascal_eZmax> 18:27.39 
  <Pascal_eZmax> Thanks for your help, it's greatly appreciated.18:27.41 
  <KenSharp> @Pascal_eZmax You are rendring to 600 dpi, so yes it will take some time. Exactly how long depends on the content of the PDF file, which is, of course, highly variable. We woudl need to see an example before we could offer any suggestions.19:18.39 
  <KenSharp> However, you are presumably not a commercial customer, but a free user. While we value our free user community we do not unconditionally offer technical support to free users. Especially, if I may say so, to free users who may potentially be using Ghostscript commercially. It is perfectly possible to use AGPL Ghostscript commercially but we choose not to offer technical support under those conditions.19:20.39 
  <KenSharp> If you are a charity, academic or some other reasonably non-profit making entity then we might be willing to discuss this further, but we would need to know who you represent, and we would need an example file to look at.19:22.28 
  <Robin_Watts> @Pascal_eZmax -dDownScaleFactor=6 is bonkers.19:56.15 
  <Robin_Watts> -dDownScaleFactor=3 is as much as you'll ever need.19:56.28 
  <Robin_Watts> Render at 300 dpi, downscale by 3, sorted.19:57.07 
  <Robin_Watts> OR.... use MuPDF 🙂19:57.31 
  <Robin_Watts> MuPDF is also by artifex, it's available under the same licenses, and it's possibly more appropriate for this work.19:58.42 
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