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artifexirc-bot <Misotauros> I have had problems reading smartphone schematics with mupdf because because zoom level stops at 600 and I was not able to read descriptions of very tiny parts. I found the zoomlevel array and added 1200. Could you add 1200 to zoom list by default or is there a site where I could do a pull request?13:05.35 
  <RayJohnston> Misotauros: I didn't see anybody else mention, but there is a #mupdf discord channel as well as an IRC channel. Several mupdf developers also watch this channel (#ghostscript), so your message should be seen.15:50.57 
  <RayJohnston> That being said, since it is so easy (particularly for trivial localized changes) for you to have your own 'git' clone, and automatically merging a mupdf updated by Artifex with your change, and simply rebuild, that I would not be shocked to have the response be negative to making a change -- it's up to them.15:50.57 
  <Misotauros> artifexirc-bot, thank you for your insight. I have compiled my own version and was able to read the schematics. Until now I was able to read any technical PDF specifications with 600dpi zoom. I just thought it could be a good idea to add 1200 since I expect more technical Documents will need that in future.16:34.13 
  <Misotauros> So hopefully some developer reads this and considers to make the change :)16:36.15 
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