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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2022/01/16)Fwd 1 day (to 2022/01/18) >>>20220117 
artifexirc-bot <Robin_Watts> Misotauros: There are numerous different MuPDF viewers built on the core MuPDF library. You'd have to be more specific about what viewer you are using. iOS? Android? Windows? Linux? And which particular viewer on those platforms?00:14.13 
  <Misotauros> artifexirc-bot, I am running Linux on a PC01:14.43 
  <Misotauros> point taken however.... and I believe it would affect all version.01:15.18 
  <Robin_Watts> Misotauros: Please note, my name is RobinWatts, not 'artifexirc-bot'. artifex-ircbot is the bot that bridges irc (old, broken, unreliable, at risk of being unsupported for these channels) and discord (new, shiny, reliable, please use in preference)10:20.16 
  <Robin_Watts> Misotauros: ok, so even on Linux there are at least 2 possible versions - mupdf or mupdf-gl (and probably some java based ones too).10:21.03 
  <Misotauros> My Bad. Indeed my change only affected mupdf-gl (zoom_list in gl-main.c). discord stinks :)10:45.07 
web-16 Hello people20:28.29 
  how are you?20:28.31 
ghostbot just great, web-1620:28.31 
web-16 i've been using ghostscritp for a while but recently i've received this error20:29.08 
  Error: /undefined in E &l0O &l26A &l0O &l26A &l0l0E &l-180u36Z *r0F &u600D &l1X *rB *p0x0Y *t600R *p+133Y *r1A *b3M *b10Wÿ20:29.09 
  does anyone know what this is? GS was processing 80 files and returned that error, idk which file caused the problem, but i've also repeated the process to all the files and the error did not occur20:30.08 
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ghostscript.com #mupdf