Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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artifexirc-bot <RayJohnston> I uninstalled and reinstalled. It seems that the problem is my firewall. I turn it off and SSH works.14:36.35 
  <RayJohnston> I turn of my anti-virus company's firewall and just use Windows firewall and it works.14:38.05 
  <enyc> hrrm does WSL2 [which uses separate linux kernel unlike WSL original] use the linux native IP stack separate IP address with some sort of internal-nat or internal-bridging like a virtual-machine would have ?21:35.35 
  <enyc> chrisl: Alas I've seen the insane freenode spam myself too, I tried to ask ghostscript devs if they would kindly move their irc-relay-bot from freenode to OFTC (2nd most popular FOSS IRC) (or just disconnect from freenode) but alas answer tends to be that the spam threatens irc connection at all, rather than just moving one of the link-bots. I notice many project using IRC linked to Matrix with21:39.52 
  <enyc> matrix preferred option in use or so, too .21:39.58 
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