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artifexirc-bot <chrisl> Thanks08:02.57 
  <Meepleschubser> Hi. Tested with the RC Version of GS 9.56 and Problem still exist. i will open a ticket12:33.23 
  <Robin_Watts> @Meepleschubser Please do.13:09.47 
  <KenSharp> He (?) did bug #70503113:10.11 
  <Robin_Watts> Ah, right. I was just intending to give him some positive feedback 🙂13:13.35 
  <RayJohnston> @kenken64 The "gender non-specific" is "they" (pretend it's a group?).22:30.41 
  <RayJohnston> sort of like "Ms." from our era22:31.12 
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