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artifexirc-bot <JVL> I'm new to Ghostscript and need some help. I'm trying to solve a print issue using Ghostscript. I have a remote pc on that generates a PDF file and I need to get this file to a folder on a different network. Due to the nature of the remote pc, I cannot add drivers or shares to this pc. I am testing with Ghostscript and RedMon Utility. Is there a way to script this out without using the RedMon utility?03:19.44 
  <KenSharp> @JVL we can't really offer you any advice with scripts, not least if we don't know what operating system you are suing, though RedMon suggests Windows. I'm not sure how RedMon would help you anyway, since that is a Port Redirection tool.08:18.11 
  <chrisl> IIRC, Windows has a "hot folder" API, that seems like a reasonable thing to investigate08:31.19 
  <Guest1279> Can you help me with the following issue,10:58.28 
  <Guest1279> My team is trying to convert pdf file into a outline file in GS, but in vain (Outline in this context is similar to curving / flattening in terms of adobe)10:58.29 
  <KenSharp> Guest1279 I don't know what you mean10:59.08 
  <KenSharp> 'flattening' has multiple meanings in PDF10:59.23 
  <Guest1279> What is the equivalent function of adobe curving in ghost script?10:59.51 
  <KenSharp> Since I have no clue what 'adobe curving' is either, I cannot answer that11:00.25 
  <Guest1279> curving pdf to make it an object/ outline so as its not editable (not image)11:00.27 
  <KenSharp> So you are talking specifically about text ?11:00.42 
  <Guest1279> fonts, yes11:00.50 
  <KenSharp> It's in the documentation11:01.07 
  <KenSharp> Or at least, it should be11:01.59 
  <Guest1279> the text boxes are turning to outline but the texts aren't11:02.01 
  <Guest1279> used the following command to flatten pdf,11:03.55 
  <Guest1279> dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOCACHE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \ -dPreserveAnnots=false \ -sOutputFile=document_flat.pdf Newtest.pdf11:03.55 
  <Guest1279> is the this correct?11:04.05 
  <KenSharp> Bad plan really.11:04.09 
  <Guest1279> how do i go about flattening a pdf in host script without losing quality?11:04.38 
  <Guest1279> Ghost script*11:04.49 
  <KenSharp> RTFM:11:06.01 
  <KenSharp> https://ghostscript.com/doc/current/VectorDevices.htm#COMMON11:06.01 
  <Guest1279> Do you mind specifying which parameter works for required flattening of pdf?11:08.00 
  <Guest1279> we have tried many functions but in vain11:08.39 
  <KenSharp> Yes. Please go read the documentation, that's what it is for. We do not offer free technical support to free users. Especially if we suspect Ghostscript may be being used commercially (it is entirely possible to use AGPL Ghostscript in a commercial setting legally, but we don't have to help you)11:09.31 
  <Guest1279> can i get paid support without having to use AGPL ghostscript ?11:10.44 
  <KenSharp> Also, for the parameter to work, you must be using a version of Ghostscript which supports it, I don't recall when it was added, but it wasn't terribly recently. However if you are using some ancient version of Ghostscript, such as 8.70 which is unreasonably popular, then it won't work.11:10.53 
  <KenSharp> If you aren't a customer then you are using AGPL Ghostscript.11:11.14 
  <Guest1279> we are using the latest version 9.55 currently11:11.36 
  <KenSharp> Then the relevant parameter will work, if you read the page I pointed you at you'll find it.11:12.05 
  <Guest1279> is there a way to get paid tech support without the enterprise version?11:12.24 
  <KenSharp> If you find the parameter, and it doesn't do what you expect, then that would be a bug and you can open a bug report.11:12.34 
  <KenSharp> I don't know, you would have to ask our commercial department, this is just engineering here.11:12.58 
  <Guest1279> Thanks for your support Kevin. appreciated11:13.26 
  <Robin_Watts> Email sales@artifex.com, and explain as much as you can about your use case. The more details you give, the faster they will be able to respond. If you don't give them enough information, they'll just end up going round in circles asking you for more questions. (Who you are, where you are using Ghostscript, how big your deployment is, how it fits within your workflow, etc)11:14.48 
  <Guest1279> Got it, will reach out to them with as much details possible11:15.49 
  <JVL> thank you for the reply. It would be Windows 8.1 embedded. I was looking at RedMon so that when the pdf is printed it would send it to a folder on a server for pick up by a another app. In any case, even if I were to come up with a script it would have to reside on the remote pc or the pc that is initiating the print job correct?15:58.21 
  <KenSharp> Well it see4ms to me you have a couple of options15:59.06 
  <KenSharp> I' assuming you are (somehow) printing the file on the remote computer. And using the RedMon Port Monitor to capture teh print stream (as PostScript) and then use Ghostscript to create a PDF file from that. You can have RedMon run a script which invokes Ghostscript to turn the captured PostScritp file into PDF. You can then have the same script send the file to your 'other' computer.16:01.01 
  <KenSharp> Alternatively you could write the file to a known location, then have the remote computer check in regularly to see if a file is there. If it is, copy it to where its needed, and then delete it.16:01.32 
  <KenSharp> But al lthis is totally dependent on how your network is set up, how the computers are configured, what access rights you have etc. It's not really something we can help with much16:02.41 
  <JVL> That's what I figured. Thank you for your time.17:07.12 
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