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artifexirc-bot <RayJohnston> @chrisl When doing: make gsdebug 13:11.39 
  <RayJohnston> I only get: make: 'gsdebug' is up to date.13:11.41 
  <KenSharp> WhenI run it here on Ubuntu it dashes off and starts compiling13:13.01 
  <KenSharp> Possibly it already is up to date ?13:13.12 
  <KenSharp> debugbin now contains an executable called 'gs' built on mar 24 13:1313:14.20 
  <KenSharp> executing make gsdebug again gets me a make invocation, but nothing happens13:14.51 
  <RayJohnston> hmm.. I'm running on WSL and that was after make debugclean13:14.52 
  <KenSharp> Well, all I can really say is that on real Linux, fr me, it works as expected13:15.35 
  <KenSharp> make debugclean followed by makegsdebug again fires off a compilation13:16.15 
  <KenSharp> So it all looks OK from my POV13:16.21 
  <RayJohnston> I don't see it doing the subtarget make13:16.33 
  <RayJohnston> probably another WSL 2 glitch13:16.48 
  <KenSharp> Does for me, that's what I get when it's already up to date13:16.49 
  <KenSharp> Michael mentioned there was an update for WSL 213:17.07 
  <RayJohnston> yeah, that's what I expect, and make gpdfdebug does the expected subtarget make13:17.28 
  <KenSharp> Baffled to be honest, not really my area, but it seems to work correctly for me, though obviously I'm not using WSL213:17.54 
  <RayJohnston> I just updated my Ubuntu, but I haven't done an update on WSL 2 (the Ubuntu update was to move my gcc up to 3.4.0 which I needed)13:18.46 
  <KenSharp> I think it was the actual Windows Subsystem which was updated, but it's possible I misunderstood Michael I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention13:19.25 
  <chrisl> @RayJohnston It seems to work as expected for me on "real" Linux13:36.37 
  <RayJohnston> Yes, thanks (and thanks @KenSharp). I'll see if I can find out what's up with it. It may be some file laying around in my directory, even.13:55.46 
  <chrisl> Although it spits out egregious amounts of stuff, using "--debug=all" will almost certainly contain the explanation. If you can decipher it....13:58.49 
  <chrisl> Although it spits out egregious amounts of stuff, using "--debug=all" with GNU Make will almost certainly contain the explanation. If you can decipher it....13:59.05 
  <RayJohnston> "spew" (like -dDEBUG with Ghostscript, but +++)23:55.48 
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