Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2022/04/05)Fwd 1 day (to 2022/04/07) >>>20220406 
squirt Why not Matrix or Irc too?07:13.39 
artifexirc-bot <KenSharp> We are on IRC also07:13.57 
  <KenSharp> There are only so many places we can monitor and still do any usful work07:14.11 
squirt Matrix can link together so you dont need all these separate monitors...07:41.20 
artifexirc-bot <KenSharp> We are using a bot to link IRC and Discord. So I'm typing this in Discord and you are seeing it in IRC.07:42.03 
  <KenSharp> We are not going to cater to the preferences of every user (we keep getting someone touting another IRC server for instance). We've chosen what we think are the best communication channels for us, and publicised them.07:42.45 
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