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artifexirc-bot <AshishMicrolent> Hello,04:23.02 
  <AshishMicrolent> I had an occurrence of duplicate printing issue with Ghostscript.04:23.26 
  <AshishMicrolent> Below is command that I we used for our POC application04:23.41 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-empty",04:23.43 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dPrinted",04:23.44 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dBATCH",04:23.45 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dNOPAUSE",04:23.46 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dNOSAFER",04:23.48 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dNoCancel",04:23.49 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dPDFFitPage",04:23.50 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4",04:23.52 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer",04:23.53 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-c",04:23.54 
  <AshishMicrolent> "mark /NoCancel true /QueryUser 3 /OutputFile (%printer%"+printerName+") /UserSettings <</DocumentName (document101)>> (mswinpr2) finddevice putdeviceprops setdevice",04:23.56 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-dNORANGEPAGESIZE",04:23.57 
  <AshishMicrolent> "-f", "C:\Users\Ashish\Documents\test.pdf"04:23.58 
  <AshishMicrolent> Pdf had only 5 pages and expected printout was 1 but we got 2 printout total 10 pages.04:24.46 
  <AshishMicrolent> So far we have encountered this similar issue 3 times in a month.04:26.04 
  <AshishMicrolent> It is not happening constantly.04:26.17 
  <AshishMicrolent> Ghostscript version is 8.7104:27.47 
  <chrisl> AshishMicrolent: Perhaps consider trying a Ghostscript version less than 11 years old?06:47.21 
  <KenSharp> I see this is using the mswinpr2 device, so PDFSETTINGS will haev no effect since that only works with the pdfwrite device, same is true for CompatibilityLevel. The mswinpr2 device is affected by the configuration of the printer, if the printer is configured to print 2 copies of each page, then that's what you will get. It's not Ghostscript sending the page twice, its the printer printing each page twce. At least that w07:59.05 
  <Knaldgas> KenSharp and chris1, just to follow up on your help some days ago. gs inherited the TCP/IP port descriptor through OS FD inheritance (when spawned), THAT was why the gs suddenly appeared to do network stuff...09:53.50 
  <KenSharp> Really ? That's interesting (if a little beyond my Linux expertise).09:54.37 
  <chrisl> Personally, I think the calling code (after the fork) should close irrelevant file descriptors etc, before execing the child process10:03.09 
  <Knaldgas> chrisl, Yes, I'm trying to figure out how to do that in the right way. One could set FD_CLOEXEC on the calling codes descriptors, but I'm not sure I can do this here (it's a web-server, and inheriting descr. is how a server can spawn sub-processes to hande a request), The second way is to have the called code do that. Anyway GS is off the hook, as you rightly said from the start :)10:09.34 
  <chrisl> Knaldgas: I'm going to be a party pooper and say: make sure you review and understand the gs license (AGPL). Just to avoid any unpleasantness in the future10:12.26 
  <Knaldgas> chrisl, I tried to skim through it quickly - I do not see any issues, but I could easily miss something important - Anything specific you refer to?10:17.24 
  <chrisl> Knaldgas: There are some additional restrictions for SaaS applications, compared to the regular GPL, that's all I meant10:19.14 
  <Knaldgas> Right!, ok, luckily this does not apply in our case. - 1. the server is an internal service running on the customers own machine. 2. ALL code (including ours) are available on the customers machine. So I think/hope we are in the clear here.10:21.40 
  <Knaldgas> And the user of the webserver is the customer themselves10:22.11 
  <chrisl> Knaldgas: There have been cases where people have done a ton of work before checking the license, and realising what they were doing wasn't compatible. So I think it's worth mentioning (when it seems appropriate) to possibly avoid that happening10:29.27 
  <Knaldgas> chrisl, I do appreciate it! In this case I believe we are in the clear :)10:31.35 
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