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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2022/05/20)Fwd 1 day (to 2022/05/22) >>>20220521 
aformertransformer hey! Not sure if this channel is active or not but hoping someone here can help me. Someone recently uploaded a pdf to a tool we have that generates a thumbnail using imagemagick. It contained some postscript that ended up exploiting a very old version of ghostscript we had installed. I have no experience at all with postscript but there's some12:51.11 
  postscript in the file that I'm trying to understand. Does anyone here know how to read postscript?12:51.11 
artifexirc-bot <Robin_Watts> aformertransformer: Yes, people here know how to read postscript.23:11.20 
  <Robin_Watts> But those that do are probably away until Monday UK time at least.23:11.38 
  <Robin_Watts> Whether they then have time to help you is another question.23:12.23 
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