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artifexirc-bot <qwertynik> Is there way to programatically change the line color of all vector drawings in a PDF using Ghostscript?13:51.41 
  <qwertynik> @here13:51.45 
  <KenSharp> Depends exactly what you mean but basically no, not without some programming13:52.12 
  <qwertynik> Will a Postscript passed to the gs command line suffice, or, would this involve changing the library code?13:53.51 
  <KenSharp> Again, it depends on exactly what you mean but in all but the most unlikely situations, you would need to write some C code and compile it into Ghostscript.13:54.45 
  <qwertynik> The drawing on the left, should become like the drawing on the right. Notice the red colored border.14:00.57 
  <qwertynik> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773567375458828329/985906626936594472/unknown.png14:00.58 
  <KenSharp> Well as I said, the answer is that you would have to write some code14:01.21 
  <qwertynik> Ok. Had posted the image to add clarity on what was meant.14:01.58 
  <KenSharp> Pictures are less than useful here, because there is no clue what the underlying shape description(s) are. A fragment of example PDF woudl be more useful. But it's not going to change my answer I expect.14:02.12 
  <qwertynik> Ok.14:02.13 
  <qwertynik> Here's a sample PDF. Hopefully there's a way to do this with command-line.14:04.14 
  <qwertynik> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773567375458828329/985907451717120060/PHT45.pdf14:04.14 
  <KenSharp> So that's 3 filled rectangles, two XObjects, a shading, then 2 more filled rectangles,a stroked and filled rectangle and 2 moer shadings. Exactly which 'object' did you want to change ?14:07.41 
  <KenSharp> I'm going to guess teh Incredibles baby (times two) are the two XObjcets.14:08.26 
  <KenSharp> No idea about which rectangle you want altered.14:08.39 
  <KenSharp> And really, this is so complex there is no way to do it without coding14:08.59 
  <qwertynik> Sorry about the confusion. Adding a line color to all shapes and shadings would suffice.14:10.31 
  <KenSharp> Oh I missed a couple of operations there are a couple more stroked and filled rectangles in there, probably other stuff14:10.35 
  <KenSharp> And the answer is still 'You'll need to write code'14:10.57 
  <qwertynik> Ok 🙂14:11.15 
  <qwertynik> Thanks for the clarity/14:11.33 
  <qwertynik> Thanks for the clarity.14:11.35 
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