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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2022/06/27)Fwd 1 day (to 2022/06/29) >>>20220628 
artifexirc-bot <KenSharp> Because you are using Ghostscript, not GhostPDF, Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter. There are specific extensions used to run the PDF interpreter from the PostScript interpreter. See here: https://www.ghostscript.com/blog/pdfi.html under What's New ?07:10.17 
  <KenSharp> If you want us to look into your problem you're going to have to supply the input file as well as the command line. I'd suggest opening a bug report because otherwise we won't remember.07:11.03 
  <KenSharp> You could also reasonably reduce teh complexity of the command line to just the minimum required to demonstrate a problem. THe more controls you include the longer it takes to debug.07:11.48 
  <KenSharp> Because you are using Ghostscript, not GhostPDF, Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter. There are specific extensions used to run the PDF interpreter from the PostScript interpreter. See here: https://www.ghostscript.com/blog/pdfi.html under What's New ? Since you are relying on PostScript to set up the device in your command line, it's not unreasonable to get a PostScript error from the PostScript interpreter.07:12.59 
  <Till Kamppeter> @KenSharp thank you very much. I already solved the problem, by copying, item-by-item, all my changes into a fresh copy of `gdevcups.c` and testing after each step. After some testing on the backside orientation I will commit it. So no bug report needed any more.12:26.12 
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