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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2022/06/28)Fwd 1 day (to 2022/06/30) >>>20220629 
artifexirc-bot <Till Kamppeter> I now have done my first (and main) commit on `gdevcups.c` for the new architecture, allowing all parameters to be supplied by command line, not requiring the use of a PPD file for some of them. In a later commit I will add conditionals to allow building without using the PPD APIs of libcups (this would also remove the PPD support), in preparation for the transition to CUPS 3.x which does not support PPDs any mor08:34.01 
  <Till Kamppeter> I now have done my first (and main) commit on `gdevcups.c` for the New Architecture, allowing all parameters to be supplied by command line, not requiring the use of a PPD file for some of them. In a later commit I will add conditionals to allow building without using the PPD APIs of libcups (this would also remove the PPD support), in preparation for the transition to CUPS 3.x which does not support PPDs any mor08:34.29 
nerdism whips fiddlerwoaroof on cue16:13.32 
artifexirc-bot <KenSharp> git push16:14.31 
  <Guest72> Hi, when running gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=pdfwrite ... on some pdf files i get errors, is there a way to know on what pages of the pdf is the error, i get only an error description not wher it happens16:26.24 
  <Guest72> the error being **** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.16:30.43 
  <Guest72> Output may be incorrect.           ok but which page?16:30.43 
  <chrisl> Guest72: Do you not see anything after the "Page X" message?16:34.17 
  <Robin_Watts> Can you tell us the complete command line please?16:35.28 
  <Guest72> gswin32c.exe -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile="%~2" "%~1" > "%~3" 2>&116:36.15 
  <Robin_Watts> -dQUIET16:36.25 
  <Guest72> ohhh, i feel so dumb, thank you16:36.56 
  <Guest72> indeed it works way better now, thank you again16:41.22 
  <Robin_Watts> no worries16:42.56 
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