Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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artifexirc-bot <enyc> meows :O10:29.30 
  <enyc> Wondering how much trouble (or not) there is with Debian-LTS or Ubuntu-LTS keeping $sensible ghostscript versions in repos10:30.04 
  <enyc> Security-updates-only and main version doesn't usually need switching-out for any reason...? I don't see PPAs for ghostscript etc being mentioned much.10:30.36 
  <chrisl> enyc: That's really a question for the Debian people, rather than us.10:33.09 
  <enyc> chrisl: okay! I was just wondering what upstream experinced on this whole topic, if it is a prerennial nuisanrce or wahtever.10:48.55 
  <chrisl> enyc: It's not something we have much involvement with, to be honest. There are two many distros with their own ways of working for us to dabble in them10:49.59 
  <enyc> ok =)10:52.09 
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