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artifexirc-bot <xx> I want to convert the first page of a PDF into a PNG. I have the option of using imagemagick, graphicsmagick, pdftoppm or ghostscript. Which one of those is preferable? Is ghostscript good at this or should I use the other tools for now?14:38.25 
  <chrisl> imagemagick and graphicsmagick use Ghostscript14:38.51 
  <chrisl> And since this is a Ghostscript channel, we'd obviously recommend using it....14:39.39 
  <xx> strangely I get different outputs when I use ghostcript/imagemagick/graphicsmagick14:40.33 
  <xx> thought it would all give me the same file14:40.38 
  <xx> hence I wonder what they do differently14:40.46 
  <KenSharp> ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick might be doing 'soemthing' to the PNG file after Ghostscript render sit. Or might be using different arguments to Ghostscript (eg resolution)14:41.21 
  <xx> all set to 300DPI, original pdf is 66288 bytes, imagemagick produces 786391 bytes png, graphicsmagick 400871 bytes, ghostscript 59025 bytes, and poppler 210216 bytes14:42.41 
  <KenSharp> Hard to comment, as I say IM ad GM could be doing soemthing to the file after it is produced.14:43.16 
  <KenSharp> We can't help you with those, only Ghostscript14:43.28 
  <xx> understood14:43.35 
  <chrisl> Chances are, imagemagick/graphicsmagick and poppler(?) default to producing anti-aliased output, Ghostscript doesn't14:43.36 
  <xx> hmm, that's good thinking, I'll check that out14:43.54 
  <xx> thanks14:44.29 
  <chrisl> But given the way PNG compression works, relatively tiny differences in the rendered output could result in non-trivial differences in file size.14:44.32 
  <chrisl> So, I'd base the judgement on visual inspection of the ouput rather than file size or whatever14:45.01 
  <xx> you are correct, ghostscript does not antialias the edges, it's just black & white, no gray on the edges14:48.03 
  <chrisl> Ghostscript has a couple of ways to do antialising, if that's the output you want - each with their own trade-offs14:58.02 
  <xx> yeah I'm reading the docs about -dTextAlphaBits=n14:58.16 
  <chrisl> There's TextAlphaBits and GraphicsAlphaBits14:59.29 
  <chrisl> And also DownScaleFactor15:00.12 
  <Robin_Watts> In this day and age, we recommend DownScaleFactor rather than XXXAlphaBits15:02.51 
  <xx> I'll check it out, I still see XXXAlphaBits documented more on https://ghostscript.com/doc/current/Devices.htm15:11.06 
  <xx> but I'm likely looking at the wrong documentation page15:11.20 
  <xx> I will read all the docs anyway15:11.28 
  <chrisl> No, the XXXAlphaBits is still there. It's been around for so long, we daren't remove it....15:12.12 
  <chrisl> But it has issues with how it interacts with certain features, like PDF transparency.15:12.38 
  <chrisl> (it predates PDF transparency by a *long* time!)15:12.58 
  <xx> so I guess instead of -r 300, I'd do -r 2400 and -dDownScaleFactor=8, to get the same 300DPI output, but better looking?15:13.49 
  <chrisl> I really wouldn't use more than 4 for DownScaleFactor.15:14.23 
  <xx> performance issue or something else?15:14.33 
  <chrisl> "Better" is an extremely subjective term!15:14.39 
  <chrisl> Especially with text, there comes a point where the "fuzzy edges" impede legibility15:15.28 
  <xx> true, I just want something that can replace -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=415:16.29 
  <chrisl> -dDownScaleFactor=4 should be fine15:17.09 
  <chrisl> Basically, the way XXXAlphaBits works is that it rendered each individual "object" into a temporary buffer at 4x the resolution, downsamples that temporary buffer, and pushes the result onto the output page15:18.40 
  <chrisl> The way DownScaleFactor works is to render the entire page at the higher resolution, and downsample the entire page.15:19.18 
  <xx> after some testing, downscalefactor=4 indeed looks "better" than alphabits=415:33.48 
  <xx> and I'm slowly getting closer to what imagemagick/graphicsmagick produce (without making them spit out the actual ghostscript command they use)15:34.39 
  <xx> "Why doesn’t my text look as good as it should?" https://ghostscript.com/faq/index.html still talks about AlphaBits and -dDOINTERPOLATE15:48.48 
  <xx> and "What should I do if I uncover a bug?" links to freenode15:50.40 
  <KenSharp> Well TBH we mostly spend our time working on bugs and features, documentation is third place and an FAQ more or less off the list15:51.30 
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