Log of #ghostscript at irc.freenode.net.

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artifexirc-bot <Guest89> hello, will there be possibility for support on this chat room for ghostscript ?11:51.23 
  <xx> Guest89: ask a question and someone may answer12:07.41 
  <enyc> Guest89: You are definitely in right place, just PLEASE **stay** logged in and leave ghostscript devs time to answer in time, they may do tomorrow if off for weekend, etc.12:12.09 
  <enyc> Guest89: **nb** You can register on libera nickserv and set up proper IRC client / etc helpful too, there are lots of helpful channels about!12:13.01 
  <Guest89> thanks12:17.58 
  <Guest89> I have installed gs version 9.53.3 and i want to see how it's registry entry look like on windows 10 ? apparently on my system it does not show any entry in current user root and in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript it is just version number . Also i want to know for the environment variable GL_DLL and GL_LIB , how to use them or set in12:22.09 
  <Guest89> Windows environment? (again I tried to set them in temporary env variable since am inside corporate proxy so can not handle registry entry or environment variable alone but have to do this with our sys admin so need examples how the reg entries and env varible entries should look like . Much appreciated your response. Can be tomorrow as well since12:22.10 
  <Guest89> weekend is going on. Regards.12:22.11 
  <xx> Guest89: any specific reason why you're using an older version of ghostscript?12:22.55 
  <Guest89> yes, that is only available currently in our software inventory , having new one is long process12:23.27 
  <xx> I see12:24.16 
  <xx> I don't use windows myself, but people in #windows will know more about setting registry entries and environment variables on enterprise systems12:24.46 
  <Guest89> my basic need is using python camelot library to extract pdf tables (have pdfs in 100s so have to come up with some automation) and gs is dependency, I have gone through stackoverflow and other channel and all boils down to path of DLL12:24.59 
  <Guest89> thanks xx12:25.35 
  <enyc> DLL-hell I so remember mentinoed =)))12:36.24 
  <enyc> Guest89: messaged you the libera guides links (see message tab)12:36.39 
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