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artifexirc-bot <Guest7631> running 690441_std-tstnote1-10.ps of bugĀ  690441 shows bus error w/ $ gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o output.pdf 690441_std-tstnote1-10.ps10:23.36 
  <KenSharp> Then please open a bug report10:24.04 
  <Guest7631> in my present setup, i cannot run debugging .. i am person created #705693 & #70569410:27.04 
  <KenSharp> Well this sounds like a bug so please report it as such.10:27.22 
  <KenSharp> The previous two were not bugs, they were questions.10:27.36 
  <KenSharp> Your prior reports said the OS was Linux, whereas bus error is not a normal Linux error. Please be sure to set the OS correctly so we can reproduce the problem10:29.01 
  <Guest7654> kensharp running debian sid on userland app (android) https://github.com/CypherpunkArmory/UserLAnd10:32.08 
  <KenSharp> I am not a Linux expert, and I'm afraid that the URL doesn't help me.10:32.45 
  <KenSharp> Please try and replicate problems with our source and report them in a way we can reproduce; ideally without using any external toolsets (we're obviously fine with gcc and such, but please don't ask us to run TeX to create the output files for example)10:33.52 
  <KenSharp> Wait, you're running this on an Android device ?10:34.38 
  <KenSharp> I don't think there's any way we can work on that.10:34.46 
  <Guest7654> app uses proot and there is no other way to use any debugging package10:37.49 
  <KenSharp> Well I don't really see how we can investigate this and debug it, if you can't. We could maybe run Debian on a Raspberyy Pi but that'll be a very low priority for us to investigate.10:38.52 
  <Guest7654> if it was rendering issue, i would have considered to report immediately, well good bye10:42.06 
  <Guest7654> but thats another story...10:42.24 
  <KenSharp> We're willing to look at the problem, as a low priority because of teh difficulty, if you report the bug. I simply want to warn you that it won't get attention quickly10:43.00 
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