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artifexirc-bot <tbrowder> chrisl: thnx for reminding me of gdb (i haven't used c/c++ in a long time). however12:01.45 
  <tbrowder> i discovered a local version of libpaper was causing the problem. i removed it and ps2pdf works fine now. thank you for ghostscript, i couldn't do any of my fav coding without PostScript!!12:03.52 
  <delight-aug> Hi! I'm trying to convert 22MB pdf consisting solely of images to a 3MB document15:00.31 
  <delight-aug> I get a good result with -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook, but it weigths 5MB. And when I try -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen, I get unreadable quallity but 1.6MB15:02.01 
  <delight-aug> The command I'm using:15:02.44 
  <delight-aug> gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -r100 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sOutputFile=compressed_PDF_file.pdf SKM_C25822072816210.pdf15:02.46 
  <delight-aug> So, the qustion is ­— how to get something in-between? Thanks in advance for any help15:03.22 
  <delight-aug> Ooops, actually the `-r100` option is redunant in the command, I was just trying if it can help me15:04.12 
  <xx> delight-aug: extract images, convert them into worse quality until the size is what you want, create new pdf from those images15:48.21 
  <KenSharp> Or have Ghostscript do it for you in one pass, that's exactly what the PDFSETTINGS is doing.15:51.23 
  <KenSharp> But instead of using one set of canned settings you need to adjust each control individually, if you find the canned settings don't do what you want.15:51.50 
  <KenSharp> The individual settings are documented, along with how they are configured for each of the presets:15:52.53 
  <KenSharp> https://ghostscript.com/doc/current/VectorDevices.htm#COMMON15:52.54 
  <delight-aug> Thanks! How can I proprly extract images? I've tried `pdfimages` command, but it gave 15 images of around 11MB in size, while the PDF is just 22MB15:57.48 
  <delight-aug> OK, I managed to use the -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook preset and override -dColorImageResolution instead of adjusting each control individually16:12.03 
  <xx> delight-aug: it's not a ghostscript question, but the answer is to use `pdfimages -all /path/to/pdf` to get the images without them being converted16:12.15 
  <delight-aug> OK, thanks!16:12.28 
  <xx> ghostscript can probably change the quality of every image separately, but I find it faster to just extract them all, edit them in imagemagick or whatever too you want, and create a new pdf from it16:13.22 
  <xx> s/too/tool/16:13.36 
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