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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2022/07/31)Fwd 1 day (to 2022/08/02) >>>20220801 
artifexirc-bot <xx> I have a cryptographically signed PDF using the algorithm defined in the PDF standard, and would like to display information about this signature such as the certificate chain, fingerprints, etc. `pdfsig file.pdf` only shows minimal info15:04.37 
  <KenSharp> So a digital signature ? Ghostscript ignores those15:05.09 
  <KenSharp> You would be beter using MuPDF I suspect15:05.40 
  <xx> mutool perhaps?15:24.21 
  <KenSharp> To be honest I don't think any of the tools will give you what you want 'out of the box' but I think MuPDF plus scripting (JS) might be able to. You'd do better to ask in the #mupdf channel, I am not a MuPDF expert at all15:25.26 
  <xx> thanks, didn't know about that channel15:25.43 
  <KenSharp> Also since MuPDF can sign PDF files, they probably know more about digital signatures than me 🙂15:25.53 
  <xx> :)15:26.00 
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