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artifexirc-bot <xx> gs -sDEVICE=png16m -sPageList=3 -o "out.png" "file.pdf"13:26.45 
  <xx> file.pdf has 4 pages, yet I don't get a out.png file at all13:26.55 
  <KenSharp> Sounds like a bug13:27.10 
  <KenSharp> There were some bugs with page handling which were fixed some months ago13:27.32 
  <xx> https://0x0.st/oeLG.txt is the output I see on commandline13:28.06 
  <xx> everything works just fine if I ask ghostscript to output all pages, I get 4 files then13:28.38 
  <xx> (of course I need to specify the output file as out%d.png)13:28.52 
  <KenSharp> So, sounds like a bug in page handling as I said13:28.52 
  <xx> thanks, will check13:28.59 
  <KenSharp> You can try using -dNEWPDF=false13:29.16 
  <xx> no change, but I'll test a newer version of ghostscript once I find out how to get it into debian13:30.46 
  <KenSharp> What version are you using currently ?13:31.10 
  <KenSharp> If you want the most recent code with the page fixes, you'll need to build it yourself, it's not in a release yet13:31.32 
  <xx> GPL Ghostscript 9.53.3 (2020-10-01)13:32.51 
  <KenSharp> OK well that's near 2 years old, so yeah, still probably a bug13:33.15 
  <xx> everything works on GPL Ghostscript 9.56.1 (2022-04-04)13:41.47 
  <xx> I blame debian13:41.51 
  <KenSharp> It might be somehting that got fixed in the intervening 2 years13:42.11 
  <xx> very likely yes13:51.05 
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