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artifexirc-bot <KenSharp> There's no magic routine, no, the kerning information for the font isn't even available to the PostScript interpreter for type 1 fonts, because the AFM file is not sent as part of the program.07:09.12 
  <y2kdeuce> Hey guys. Need some help. I've had ghostscript merging pdfs on my intranet for years using version 9.07. Had to move to Azure. Installed the latest gs version, now my command doesn't work. Can someone help me fix my command, or point me to a 9.07 download? please?17:28.29 
  <Robin_Watts> y2kdeuce: Well a) #include "standard-disclaimer-about-how-ghostscript-does-not-merge-pdfs", and b) What's the command you're using?17:34.16 
  <Robin_Watts> @y2kdeuce Well a) #include "standard-disclaimer-about-how-ghostscript-does-not-merge-pdfs", and b) What's the command you're using?17:34.45 
  <y2kdeuce> @Robin_Watts C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.07\bin\gswin64c.exe -dCompatibilityLevel#1.4 -sstdout=%stderr -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE#pdfwrite -sOutputFile#\\files\main\tfmerge\myoutfile.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f " & filelist ', 0, true17:37.35 
  <y2kdeuce> filelist is just that, a list of files to merge17:37.57 
  <Robin_Watts> You lose me at the end of that command `"& filelist ', 0, true` ?17:39.02 
  <y2kdeuce> as I would expect17:39.13 
  <y2kdeuce> maybe I can revive this one sec17:39.33 
  <Robin_Watts> I would have expected something like:17:39.35 
  <Robin_Watts> `gswin64c.exe -dCompatabilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%stderr -o myoutputfile.pdf @filelist`17:40.28 
  <Robin_Watts> `gswin64c.exe -dCompatabilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%stderr -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o myoutputfile.pdf @filelist`17:40.37 
  <Robin_Watts> `gswin64c.exe -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sstdout=%stderr -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o myoutputfile.pdf @filelist`17:41.30 
  <y2kdeuce> This is the command I'm trying now17:44.12 
  <y2kdeuce> C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.56.1\bin\gswin64c.exe" -dCompatibilityLevel#1.4 -sstdout=%stderr -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE#pdfwrite -sOutputFile#"\\files\main\tfmerge\3349358.pdf" \\files\main\tfsplit\16033574_yell_111_3.pdf17:44.13 
  <y2kdeuce> result is a mangled PDF17:44.25 
  <Robin_Watts> I can't immediately see anything wrong with that.17:45.16 
  <Robin_Watts> You could try inserting a -dNEWPDF=false before the -sOutputFile to see if that makes any difference.17:45.50 
  <y2kdeuce> and now it's working17:49.38 
  <y2kdeuce> all it took was you looking over my shoulder17:49.57 
  <y2kdeuce> thanks17:49.59 
  <Robin_Watts> no worries.17:50.28 
  <KenSharp> @y2kdeuce Please note -dNEWPDF is temporary. If you find a bug which is solved by using that, please open a bug report so we can fix the NEW PDF interpreter! We will be removing -dNEWPDF in a future release, so relying on it now isn't ideal.18:12.58 
  <Robin_Watts> @KenSharp i'm assuming he fixed it without -dNEWPDF18:51.05 
  <KenSharp> You could be right, wasn't obvious to me18:51.32 
  <Robin_Watts> Wasn't 100% to me either.18:58.50 
TroXical _____ __ ___ _ _____ _ 21:14.52 
  |_ _| __ ___\ \/ (_) ___ __ _| | | ___| __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __| | ___ 21:14.55 
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  | || | | (_) / \| | (_| (_| | | | _|| | | __/ __/ | | | (_) | (_| | __/21:15.01 
  |_||_| \___/_/\_\_|\___\__,_|_| |_| |_| \___|\___|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|21:15.04 
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