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web-65 ps2pdf chokes if the destination filename has double-quotes around it. The source filename is always interpreted correctly (as long as it's correctly quoted if the path does indeed have spaces in it).19:31.51 
  On Windows 10 64-bit, AGPL Ghostscript 10.00.0 - on command line:19:31.51 
  C:\Users\tim>ps2pdf "C:\Users\tim\Desktop\EPS\myfile.eps" "C:\Users\tim\Desktop\EPS\myfile"19:31.51 
  GPL Ghostscript 10.00.0: **** Could not open the file "C:\Users\tim\Desktop\EPS\myfile" .19:31.51 
  **** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.19:31.51 
  Dropping the second double-quotes works fine (but obviously only because there are no spaces in that path).19:31.51 
  Keeping or dropping the first double-quotes makes no difference for this example since there are no spaces, but if you do have a path with spaces, you can correctly double-quote it and it works.19:31.51 
  I stumbled over this when trying to troubleshoot using Inkscape v0.92 (old and effectively out-of-support, but I prefer the UI and the compatibility it offers).19:31.51 
  The ps2pdf command it was generating looked just fine, but was failing with the "Could not open the file..." error.19:31.51 
  I've hacked around the immediate problem by modifying the Python script in Inkscape that is responsible for spawning the ps2pdf command (by removing the double-quotes around the destination, but this is only safe for my case because the %temp% path and the temp filename (which look like 'c:\users\tim\appdata\local\temp\tmpdkvpio' for example) do19:31.51 
  not have spaces, so it does not require the double-quotes.19:31.52 
  This appears to work OK in 9.52, but is broken in 9.56.1 and 10.00.0 (not sure about any others)19:31.53 
  The files ps2pdf.bat, ps2pdfxx.bat, and gssetgs.bat are unchanged between all those versions, so it looks like something changed in the handling of @"file" indirection in Ghostscript itself: the call in ps2pdfxx.bat is on line 26: '%GSC% @"%TEMP%\_.at" @"%TEMP%\_.at"2' with %GSG% being replaced by gswin64c.exe.19:31.54 
  Is there some way to get a look at what those @"%TEMP%\_.at" or @"%TEMP%\_.at"2 files contain during execution? I never see them show up in the temp folder.19:31.55 
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