Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/07)20170508 
tor8 Robin_Watts: on mac, the more specific makefile rules didn't apply if they came after the more generic rules10:36.47 
  that might be true on linux too, but possibly masked by system headers10:36.57 
  moving the generic rules to after the specific ones fixed the problem10:37.17 
  Robin_Watts: you're right about throwing in fz_walk_path, I've reworked a commit, on tor/master now10:38.20 
Robin_Watts Ta.10:38.31 
  tor8: all seem fine to me. Are you going to squash those 2 together ?11:32.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: sure, I can do that11:33.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: mupdf commits are borked according to the cluster.12:17.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: gah!12:20.12 
  Robin_Watts: force push?12:21.23 
  Robin_Watts: I've reverted. can you prod the cluster?12:23.30 
Robin_Watts Done.12:25.09 
sebras tor8: two commits on sebras/master13:04.15 
tor8 first one LGTM13:05.34 
  second one adds a couple of files it probably shouldn't13:05.45 
sebras does it?13:05.49 
  I wonder how the cluster files ended up in a commit.13:06.18 
  tor8: updated.13:07.05 
  and now I fixed the typo in the commit message.13:07.53 
tor8 sebras: LGTM13:12.24 
sebras tor8: I just retested -old:sebras/master13:42.37 
  and it builds fine with the gradle.properties.sample renamed to gradle.properties both using gradlew and android studio13:43.03 
  note that if I don't copy the gradle.properties it will not compile problem free.13:43.34 
tor8 sebras: please don't remove the 'release.sh' script13:56.26 
  not without replacing it with something equivalent13:56.42 
  sebras: I've got the incantation in build.gradle to sign the apk for release builds13:57.00 
  sebras: on -old:tor/jni13:57.28 
sebras I did anticipate that you'd say that but I didn't know what to replace it with. :)14:00.37 
  btw, building draw-device.c fails for me with "fatal error: error in backend: Undefined temporary symbol" but only if I have NDK_DEBUG=1 which causes -O0, not when I have NDK_DEBUG=0 which uses -O214:01.29 
tor8 lovely14:01.53 
sebras so it seems like a compile issue that might be resolved in the next NDK, and I don't think we worry about mips so much.14:01.58 
  tor8: I had gradle print the ndk-build command and then I used V=1 to see what command failed and found someone to stated that it was due to the value of NDK_DEBUG and this info was accurate.14:02.45 
  tor8: I'm not sure how to handle that other than to ignore it (seems to work if you build from inside android studio I think (not sure why)).14:03.13 
  tor8: I merged your commit for the release things into the "switch build system one" to make it a single step that just works and then some polishing commits after that.14:05.10 
tor8 sebras: beware though, that the JNI branch of -old still has a lot of stuff that isn't implemented yet14:13.17 
  proofing, forms, javascript alerts, etc.14:14.49 
  those features are missing from the current JNI bindings, and I still need to revise the C api before deciding on the form the JNI api will have14:16.19 
  so it may make sense to backport the gradle stuff to the master branch14:16.42 
sebras tor8: sure, I just cherry-picked your patch ec15a9d14:20.41 
  git diff 5f72e0d..c361d22 proves this.14:21.02 
tor8 sebras: jniLibs.srcDir 'libs' is not necessary14:29.58 
  jni.srcDirs = [] // This prevents the auto generation of Android.mk also seems unnecessary according to my tests14:31.35 
  minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, versionCode, versionName should match the entries in AndroidManifest.xml no?14:34.19 
sebras tor8: would I be able to use @string/version in the build.gradle file?14:37.37 
  tor8: for verisonName, that doesn't look reasonable to me.14:37.50 
  I wonder how the values in build.gradle relate to those in AndroidManifest.xml14:38.25 
tor8 I wonder if we can elide the entries altogether14:38.41 
  I don't know gradle well enough to tell14:39.00 
sebras tor8: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19997509/android-studio-why-are-minsdkversion-and-targetsdkversion-specified-both-in-and14:40.15 
  tor8: seems like build.gradle is an override mechanism. but AndroidManifest.xml is used by google play.14:43.06 
  in that case I'd like to try without it in build.gradle as it seems to be _just_ the overrid mechanism and we _need_ AndroidManifest.xml14:43.32 
tor8 sebras: yes.14:55.29 
sebras tor8: I broke something, now it doesn't build... clean... rebuild. *sigh*14:58.50 
  feels like having to reboot your computer because one program crashed. :-/14:59.05 
  tor8 (for the logs): I finally figured out what the problem was and how to circumvent it: the signing should be optional and the changes you introduced in build.gradle are not optional (albeit the values you supply through gradle.properties are).17:11.36 
  tor8 (for the logs): I added a check for the properties in gradle.properties and skips the signing if those properties are not present.17:12.17 
  this is now on -old:sebras/master17:12.26 
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