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sebras tor8: are we to add the gradle wrapper to the repo btw?12:37.25 
  tor8: I'm thinking of -old.12:37.33 
  tor8: I see that you did for -mini, but is it correct?12:37.44 
tor8 sebras: the -old gradle stuff needs to be rebased to master, the jni stuff is not ready12:38.17 
sebras tor8: you can apparently generate a new one using "gradle wrapper" I have read (and it kind of works but my local gradle is version 3.2 and the wrapper requires 3.3 for some reason).12:38.25 
tor8 generate a new what?12:38.44 
  oh you mean the wrapper, not the build12:38.56 
sebras gradle wrapper.12:38.59 
tor8 I guess it's expected12:39.16 
  doesn't everything gradle just auto-upgrade to the latest version?12:40.51 
  because I installed the NDK and SDK and I have no gradle on my path, it just installed some "templates"12:42.32 
sebras right, so without android studio you get no gradle.12:43.48 
  that's... annoying.12:43.52 
  how are things meant to be built for the SDK?12:44.02 
  in debian the android-sdk package recommends gradle, but it is not required.12:45.23 
tor8 I thought you said the SDK was deprecated and everything is android studio now+12:46.28 
  or was that just Ant?12:46.38 
sebras just ant.12:46.42 
  as far as I know that is...12:46.56 
tor8 I guess I should try to download the latest android stuff and see if it works out of the box...12:47.21 
sebras tor8: it should, if you have gradle accessible.12:56.59 
  tor8: but the ant version won't work.12:57.06 
  tor8: android removed ant support in the early 25.x.x series of the build-tools.12:57.19 
  oh, I just learned that if you have no local.properties that defines sdk.dir then gradle will automagically use ANDROID_HOME.13:04.56 
  why is all information about android and gradle and these tools always only available on some blog post by some random dude?13:05.34 
  it makes me feel uneasy about how these things really work because I'm not sure I can trust random dudes.13:05.55 
tor8 sebras: yes, I use ANDROID_HOME (and not local.properties) in the -mini Makefile13:12.45 
  I knew about that because the command helpfully pointed out that I needed to either set ANDROID_HOME or sdk.dir in local.properties13:13.24 
sebras tor8: I'm using ndk.dir too, how did you replace that?13:15.32 
tor8 ndk.dir is not necessary since a while back13:15.42 
sebras oh.13:15.47 
tor8 I think since after they decided to install the ndk inside the sdk13:16.21 
sebras aha.13:16.51 
  that means I can remove local.properties, that's nice.13:17.58 
  tor8: how do you feel about -old:sebras/master?14:09.50 
  tor8: I have rebased it on origin/master and it builds well for me.14:12.05 
  tor8: I changed the clean target to rely on the clean target of gradle and added a distclean target to remove anything that is not tracked.14:12.34 
tor8 sebras: mupdf-android-viewer-old.iml?14:21.36 
  gradlew installRelease doesn't exist, I just forgot to remove it from the -mini makefile yet14:22.02 
  shouldn't it start the ChoosePDFActivity in -old?14:22.30 
sebras tor8: the .iml file is created by android studio.14:25.24 
  tor8: oh, and I'm removing jni...14:35.20 
  this is all koi carp.14:35.31 
  tor8: interesting... I get permission denied errors when looking at pdfs now.16:09.53 
jogux sebras: Android? so I guess you accidentally updated the sdk version somewhere and now need to explicily request storage permissions ( https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting.html ) or downgrade the sdk version...16:25.03 
sebras jogux: thank you! I could have spent days on this one trying to debug and understand what is happening.16:30.50 
  jogux: I think if I just target a different SDK then it might work, but I'm wary that then gradle/lint/whatever might complain again.16:31.21 
jogux I'll leave you to fight gradle. I hate that stuff too. :-)16:32.08 
  This is the old app, right? For the new one we should do it properly, as google are planning to block uploads to the play store if they don't use dynamic permissions.16:32.39 
sebras it is.16:32.44 
  jogux: changed targetSdkVersion and it worked immediately.16:35.31 
jogux yay :-)16:35.41 
sebras tor8: ok, a new set of commits on -old:sebras/master16:42.37 
  at least the app starts now and it builds both using CLI gradle and in studio16:44.03 
  tor8: should I be keeping the gradle stuff on the new JNI-branch around for you to use or it is useless to you?16:58.18 
tor8 sebras: yes, I could have told you you need to target <= platform 21 or you'll need to ask permissions at runtime and not in the XML20:15.58 
  though if you've granted permissions once using the XML you won't notice the bug20:16.10 
turludu boudouboudou23:11.34 
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