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sebras tor8: upgraded jbig2dec on :sebras/master I clustered it without regressions.13:18.45 
tor8 sebras: "to a the"? LGTM otherwise.13:25.53 
sebras tor8: unfortunately this doesn't fix the latest jbig2dec bug though.13:28.54 
tor8 sebras: a couple of commits on -mini:tor/gradle13:34.59 
sebras oh, a bytearrayoutouptstream will grow an internalbuffer?14:21.18 
tor8 sebras: yes. "This class implements an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array. The buffer automatically grows as data is written to it."14:25.30 
sebras what happens with title = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if the uri ends with a slash?14:31.01 
  I think you'll get IndexOutOfBoundsException in that case.14:31.10 
  and in the else you should ought to be able to assign title = key; right?14:31.45 
tor8 well, we wouldn't be able to open a directory in any case, so that's an okay error by me :)14:31.49 
sebras true, but maybe we should error out in a more reasonable way?14:32.17 
tor8 sebras: or not bother setting the title that way at all14:32.52 
  it's only showed during the brief interval between starting the app and having loaded the document enough to get the real title metadata14:33.12 
sebras that might actually be even better.14:33.44 
tor8 path.getFileName is probably what I should be using though14:34.01 
sebras true, also ContentResolver.openInputStream() might error out with FileNotFoundException if the uri is not found. is that ok?14:35.30 
tor8 or rather uri.getLastPathSegment14:35.32 
  sebras: that's caught and logged with the IOException14:35.50 
sebras even better.14:35.53 
  oh, I didn't know FileNotFoundExceptions inherits IOException.14:36.33 
tor8 we'll probably bomb later with a null pointer exception14:37.37 
sebras I was just about to ask about that.14:37.58 
  maybe it is better to error out and show a toast?14:38.08 
tor8 toast?14:38.26 
  the Worker task for openDocument is going to bomb and log an error14:38.46 
sebras yeah, that small oblong dialog message at the bottom of the screen that appears in some cases for errors.14:38.50 
tor8 basically we'll just end up with a view that doesn't have any pages14:39.04 
  like we do for files that are completely broken14:39.14 
sebras right.14:39.19 
  that's a toast.14:40.02 
tor8 I feel that's better than just dropping out of the activity14:40.14 
sebras https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/Toast.html14:40.22 
tor8 right. so that stays on the screen for a couple of seconds?14:40.24 
sebras yes.14:40.28 
  and you can't interact with it.14:40.37 
  so it ought to be harmless.14:40.45 
  but I don't think we should show our internal error, just a message saying that we had a problem parsing the file.14:41.07 
  users probably don't care about the details.14:41.17 
tor8 could be worth hooking that up to the worker task catch-clause14:41.18 
sebras agreed.14:41.25 
tor8 to run a "bomb" message on the ui thread14:41.42 
sebras one question though, if we parse half of the file and then get an IOException, do we want to output the amount we got and then try to show that even though we know we didn't get the entire file:?"14:42.28 
  that seems similar to what we do otherwise.14:42.36 
  we _should_ log the error as you are doing right now though. that I think is important.14:43.23 
  also, would it make sense to make the Makefile in -mini and -old identical?14:45.09 
  in the gradle patch.14:45.45 
  also I switched to only using ' strings in build.gradle instead of " to avoid someone accidentally using ${} when they didn't intend to.14:46.50 
  basically I'd like for the gradle patches to be identical besides some naming and version numbers.14:47.12 
  ok, need to go out and track down some food.14:47.48 
tor8 sebras: probably make sense to keep the Makefile and build.gradle files as similar as possible14:47.53 
sebras not only that, also the AndroidManifest.xml and all the build stuff.14:48.12 
  it will be easier on both of us. :)14:48.24 
  as I said previously to robin, sorry for nitpicking, tell me to stop when I'm asking about irrelevant stuff. but at least I'm thorough. :)14:50.11 
  oh, and if there's something we should change in -old re: the build stuff I'm happy to do so.14:50.49 
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