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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2017/05/17)20170518 
ymy Does anyone know if I run js_dostring(_J, "this.test = 'dasd'"); it will TypeError: cannot convert undefined to object01:55.32 
  How to use this in mujs01:55.51 
avih ymy: you probably set js_newstate(.. JS_STRICT) which means that function don't have a this object unless you specify it explicitly at the call (which js_dostring doesn't do), so you have no 'this'02:44.05 
  either don't enable strict mode by default, or don't use js_dostring, and instead use js_loadstring(J, some_name, code_to_run); js_pushglobal(J)l js_call(J, 0) to explicitly set global as 'this' for the invoked code02:46.24 
ymy OK,I try it now02:47.14 
  Done!I have another question,how to hold js variables in c code and prevent them from being collect by garbage collect03:19.12 
  I have another question,how to hold js variables in c code and prevent them from being collect by garbage collect07:22.28 
avih tor8: did you see my pr? thoughts?13:37.27 
Robin_Watts Hey tor8: https://www.udemy.com/understand-javascript/?utm_source=email-Adhoc&utm_campaign=2017-05-18_._cn_CENTERPIECE_._en_Short_._us_AllAlltl_T4_._tg_n_._et_2_._eg_1_._la_en_._rn_42873_._&utm_medium=2017-05-18_CENTERPIECE_Short_AllAll_T4_n_&utm_content=udemy.5788945&data_h=A0QbdFhbR3w%3D :)13:56.46 
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